Artificial Intelligence (COMP/EECE 7720/8720)

Spring 2024

Instructor: Bonny Banerjee, Ph.D.

Contact Information:

Office: Engineering Science Bldg. Room 208B

Phone: 901-678-4498

E-mail: (email communication preferred)

Office Hours: Just after class or by appointment

When: MWF 11:30 am-12:25 pm

Where: International Center (IC) 115

Course Description:

Central issues of artificial intelligence, including game playing, planning, machine learning, common-sense reasoning, perception and action; implementations in LISP. PREREQUISITE: COMP/EECE 6720.

(Note: Students can do implementations for their projects in any language/package they are comfortable with and not necessarily in LISP.)

Required Text:

"Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig.

There will be additional readings from class notes, research papers and book chapters.

Topics and tentative schedule:

Week 1. Introductory material (selected material from Chapters 1, 2)

Weeks 2, 3. Quantifying uncertainty (Chapter 13)

Weeks 3, 4. Probabilistic reasoning (Chapter 14), (2/6) Project proposal due

Weeks 5, 6. Probabilistic reasoning over time (Chapter 15)

Weeks 6, 7. Making simple decisions (Chapter 16)

Week 8. Spring break

Weeks 9, 10. Making complex decisions (Chapter 17), (3/14) Midterm

Week 11. Learning from examples (Chapter 18)

Week 12. Knowledge in learning (Chapter 19)

Week 13. Learning probabilistic models (Chapter 20)

Week 14. Reinforcement learning (Chapter 21),

Week 15. Revision. Final project reports due.

Final exam is on Monday 4/29/24 from 10:30 am-12:30 pm.

Evaluation and Final Grades:

Grading: Homeworks 25%, Midterm 25%, Final 25%, Project 25%

The 7720 and 8720 sections will be graded separately. In each exam, the students enrolled for 8720 will have to answer one more question.