

Since 2022- Water Regulation, M.Sc, AgroParisTech

2022-2024 Conjoncture Economique de l'Entreprise, PGE, Grenoble Ecole de Management

2022-2024 Managerial Economics, M.Sc, Grenoble Ecole de Management

2022-2024 Business Economics, M.Sc, Grenoble Ecole de Management

2012-2021 European water policies, B.Ec, University of Grenoble.

2017 Water Security - Interventions in Water Policies, M.Sc, University of Geneva.

2017 Water Governance in Europe - Interventions in Environmental policies, M.Sc, University of Geneva.

2016 Water policies, M.Sc, University of Geneva.

2016 Environmental policies, M.Sc, University of Geneva.

2016 Environmental economics, M.Sc, University of Geneva.

2015-2016 Water regulation, B.Ec, University of Grenoble.

2013-2014 Environmental Economics, M.Ec University of Grenoble.

2013-2014 Macroeconomics, B.Ec, University of Grenoble.

2012-2014 Governance and globalisation, Dipl -ing, University of Grenoble.


Money & Finance, History of economic thought, Macroeconomics, Contemporary economic

issues, Methodology.


Lecture at the International Summer School on Regulation of Local Public Services, Turin (2016 ).

Mooc Water policies, University of Geneva.

CAS Water policy and management, University of Geneva (2014 -2015 ).