The Collaboratory*
Abeer Aloush
Anton T Brinckwirth
Betsy Louis
Betty Rose Facer
Bob Godwin-Jones
Bonnie Youngs
Carl Blyth
Chantal Philippon-Daniel
Christopher Hromalik
Claudia Guidi (Stiers)
Cory Duclos
Ed Dixon
Edwige Simon
Feride Hatiboglu
Grace Wu
Gretchen Jones
Joe Terantino
Jonathan Perkins
Julio Rodriguez
Kathryn Murphy-Judy
Lillyrose Veneziano Broccia
Laura Franklin
Maja GrGurovic
Marcia Fontes
Mariana Stone
Marlene Johnshoy
Mike Bush
Noreen La Piana
Robert Daniel
Stacey Powell
Tim Cook
Trevor Shanklin
Who: a collective of scholars- practitioners of basic online language course/program design & delivery
What: collecting, reviewing and sharing best practices and resources
Where: in the emerging field of basic online language teaching and learning
For Whom: for teachers, designers, administrators, supervisors, trainers, and learners
How: through the deployment of performative, agile social media (currently Google apps), with deliverables of an online Guide and training opportunities (regional/national conventions, conferences, workshops) and through the auspices of or in conjunction with national, regional and local organizations that include: ACTFL, CALICO, CARLA, COERLL, FLAVA, MERLOT, NECTFL, SCOLT, UPenn Language Symposium, among others.
Why: to establish means by which to create and disseminate new knowledge about and guidance in this critical, rapidly expanding field of online language teaching and learning at the foundational, i.e., basic, levels of language acquisition, corresponding roughly to ACTFL Novice Low through Intermdiate Low and CEFR A1 and A2.
[*For the notion of a collaboratory, go to:]