The Eastland Disaster
My grandmother - Anna Bohn - was 20 years old and an employee of Western Electric in 1915. She was one of 2500 people aboard that doomed death ship - The Eastland - which capsized in the Chicago River on July 24th 1915 at 7:30am and killed 844 people. She was one of the fortunate ones who lived. I have been a student of this Chicago event for many years and am involved in all the memorials each year. I also present this topic as one of my multimedia programs filled with pictures and recent films discovered of the rescue efforts.
This page will simply show a few highlights of my personal connection and tributes I have created.
Here I(with the hat) am about ready to sing "The Boat that Never Left Town" with other Eastland family members in front of hundreds at the 100th Memorial on site July 25th 2015
UPDATE: Please visit my new blog on Chicago History including more on The Eastland:
This is a drawing originally in black and white from 1915. I added the color, Chicago flag, and the number 844 indicating the people who lost their lives in this disaster.
Post creations for the anniversaries
John Boda is available for a captivating presentation on this event, along with many others, with many combining live music performance also.
He uses a Windows laptop with HDMI, but if needed, can use another with VGA connection also if using a house system
He also has an excellent high resolution projector if no large digital TV is available. A screen is requested if projector is used. He has an excellent small sound system also.