
John Boda & Charlie Knudsen in LaSalle IL 2018 : Charlie is the father of Keith Knudsen who played drums with The Doobie Brothers 1973 until his death in 2005. Charlie is good friends with all the remaining Doobie Brothers and has many memories of the band! However it took John Boda to explain what the term "Doobie" actually meant, as he confessed he never knew. After the explanation, he said "that figures and makes sense".

John Boda with Evelyn Ralston: Age 111 John Boda with Don & Libby Matlin (Marlee's parents)

Merle Phillips Age 108 & John Boda

John Boda & Lillian Jolson Age 108

Jedi John Boda arrested by Darth Vader at outdoor concert

John Boda & Ray Johnson: Co-Authors of "The Great Chicago Fire" released Oct 2 2017