Non-technical writing, media and blog posts


With Niklas Amberg, I wrote a SUERF report (title: "What happens when banks no longer have branches?") on our banking without branches study (2024)

With Martin Oehmke of LSE, I wrote an ESRB ASC Insight Note about the insolvency threat following the COVID-19 recession (2021)

The economic aftermath of the corona crisis will mean that many European firms become stressed and insolvent. In a VoxEU article with Ulrich Hege and Pierre Mella-Barral, we discuss how to design bailouts and prepare for a large number of corporate restructurings (2020). Reprinted as a chapter in Europe in the Time of Covid-19. (There is a small error in there, stating that there are 6 courts - there are many more, but three courts handle most big US cases)

English summary of the  Inquiry into Swedish participation in the EU Banking Union here (2019)

Possible bias in ratings when rating agencies perform consulting services, at Vox EU (2016) [Baghai Becker JFE 2018]

Harvard Law School Blog about non-rating revenues (2018) [Baghai Becker JFE 2018]

Pro market blog post about the function of credit ratings (2018) [Baghai Becker Pitschner 2018]

Video from panel discussion at Nobel Symposium on Money and Banking (2018)

Post at Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog, VoxEU column, and Harvard Law School Roundtable post about how disruption impacts corporate credit markets (2019) [Becker Ivashina 2018]

Wall Street Journal article about the role of credit ratings which cites the paper with Baghai and Pitschner and which uses a methodology related to the Baghai Becker 2018. This was discussed further in an opinion piece on Bloomberg.

Reaching for yield, at VoxEU (2012) [Becker Ivashina JF 2015]

Richmond Federal Reserve article about reaching for yield (2013) [Becker Ivashina JF 2015]

Cyclicality of Credit Supply, in the European Financial Review (2012) [Becker Ivashina JME 2014]

Summary of paper on payout taxes, in the NBER Digest (2012) [Becker Jacob Jacob JFE 2013]

Opinion piece about the benefits of proxy access, Huffington Post (2012) [Becker Bergstresser Subramanian JLE 2013]

Harvard Law School Blog about fiduciary duties (2010) [Becker Strömberg RFS 2012]

Report for Swedish Ministry of Finance: Credit ratings (2011), also available in Swedish [Becker Milbourn JFE 2011]


Jag skriver kolumner i Affärsvärlden sedan januari 2022. Ämnen inkluderar inflation, hållbarhet, integration.

Diskussion av SAS konkurs på EFN TV (mars 2024).

SvD Ledarpod om bankvinster (februari 2024). Tidigare nyhetsartikel i DN (october 2023).

Diskussion om Silicon Valley Bank i DI (mars 2023). Artiklar om Silicon Valley Bank i Dagens Industri, Svenska Dagbladet och TV4 Nyhetsmorgon.

SVT om att Klarna sänker tillväxttakten, avskedar personal (maj 2022).

SNS-panel om kriget i Ukraina och hållbara investeringar (maj 2022).

Dagens Industri om hållbar avkastning (maj 2022).

Varför svänger vissa aktier i pris? (SVT april 2022).

SVT Rapport om banker och teknologi (16 januari 2021) - jag hittade ingen stabil länk.

Intervju i Ekonomiekot Extra om försvinnande bankkontor och Fintech: (2020)

Den svenska marknaden för företagsobligationer är relativt tunn och mindre stabil (än i Euro-området, t.ex.). Det undersökte vi i en rapport skrive i samarbete med Finansinspektionen, publicerad 2020.  Vi diskuterade den svenska obligationsmarknadens framtid med Finansinspektionen och investerare på SNS/SHOF Finanspanel våren 2021.

Tre artiklar i realtid om index-baserad förvaltning och corporate governance: panel, intervju om aktivister och intervju om proxy advisors (2020)

Intervjuad i Dagens Nyheter om finansiella center, speciellt London och Hong Kong (2019)

Jag tjänade som expert för Utredningen om ett svenskt deltagande i EUs bankunion (2017-2019). Video från diskussion på Riksbanken om bankunionen

Blog post "Högre Utbildning i Europa" at Ekonomistas about European higher education (2017)

SNS Konjunkturråd "Den Svenska Skulden" (2015)

Op ed about tuition fees in daily Dagens Nyheter (2014)

Rapport för Finansdepartementet om Credit ratings (2011) [Becker Milbourn JFE 2011]