MARCXML to CT Mapping Experiment

Another Mapping Experiment with 400,000 MARCXML records of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library

Another mapping experiment is done with 400,000 MARCXML records of UIUC library. The conversion for MARCXML to CT mapping is developed in Python language during September 2014. The conversion also measures transfer, non-transfer, degree of match rates, and semantic match rate. Through the result of the experiment, we conclude that CT shows higher performance in achieving and improving metadata interoperability, minimizing loss of information and preserving the specificity and precision of the source metadata records. The more details are explained here.

1. MARC to CT crosswalk

First of all, the development of MARC to CT crosswalk is fundamental for the mapping experiment of MARC to CT. The development bases on MARC to CT 1.1 crosswalk. The MARC to CT 1.1 crosswalk does not include detail mappings with indexes and subcodes. However, for the actual mappings with the conversion program, the detail mappings with indexes and subcodes should be specified clearly. MARC to CT crosswalk in csv form clarifies the mapping with both MARC tag and indexes and subcodes.

Since MARC has many tags with subcodes, the mapping of MARC to CT that has 12 common terms with 58 qualifiers should be generalized to preserve information as much as possible. Thus, the generalized mapping with only tag number regardless specific indexes and subcodes is also included in the MARCtoCTcrosswalk.

For example, 046 tag, special coded dates, has several mappings into CT with different types (subproperty) depending on subcodes, to specify what kinds of date is used.

  • 046 with subcode ‘c, e, k, or l’ is mapped into ct:date type=”issued.”
  • 046 with subcode ‘j’ is mapped into ct:date type=”modified.”
  • 046 with subcode ‘m or n’ is mapped into ct:date type=”available.”
  • 046 is mapped into ct:date for the generalized mapping regardless indexes and subcodes,

This is a part of MARC to CT crosswalk. The full crosswalk is found in MARCtoCTcrosswalk.

2. The Designed Conversion Program in Python

2.1. Defining MARC tag Class

With the MARCtoCTcrosswalk, first of all, settling a data structure to describe all MARC tags including various indexes and subcodes was not simple. Thanks to advice of Professor Dubin, I decided to encode MARC tags adding 'I' for expressing index 1, 'J' for index 2, and 'S' for subcodes. For example, 264I1J0Sc means MARC tag number is 264; index 1 is 1; index 2 is 0; and subcode is c. To decode it, Queue data structure is used. The class for defining MARC tag with indexes and subcode is the below with Python language.

from collections import deque

class marcTag:

def __init__(self, tag, value):



if 'leader' in tag:











for i in range(0,3):


#print self.tagnum

for i in range(0, len(qtag),2):


if x=='I':


elif x=='J':


elif x=='S':


2.2. Leader and Control Field

Secondly, the program has mainly three parts to convert MARCXML to CT: leader; control field (e.g., 001, 005, 008); and data field parts for other tags, because UIUC records consist of three parts. Leader and control field parts are converted into CT and their some information is also interpreted into several CT to preserve much information. For example, the content of leader is ‘01026cam a2200301Ka 4500’ in the below UIUC record. The ‘leader’ information is transferred into ‘description type="recordinfo"’ of CT. And its content according to 6th and 7th column is interpreted into typeGenre with authority, Library of Congress MARC type, and into description type=”issuance.”

<description type="recordinfo">01026cam a2200301Ka 4500</description>

<typeGenre authority="LCMARCtype">text</typeGenre>

<typeGenre authority="LCMARCtype">Monograph/Item</typeGenre>

<description type="issuance">multipart monograph</description>

Whenever a statement is transferred into CT, it is counted as transferred. But, if there is no mapping in the developed MARCtoCTcrosswalk, it is counted as non-transferred. The interpreted information into several CTs such as leader, 007 or 008 tags isn’t counted as transferred. In above example, only the first statement converted from leader is counted as transferred.

2.3. Data Fields

Thirdly, the datafields parts are transferred into CT according to theMARCtoCTcrosswalk. The program retrieves information of tag number, index 1, index 2, subfield code, and value from two different types of datafields in UIUC records. This information of two types is retrieved by two kinds of regular expressions:

p3=re.compile(r'<marc:datafield tag="(.*)" ind1="(.*)" ind2="(.*)"><marc:subfield code="(.*)">(.*)<') #defining a regular expression to find tag, ind1, ind2, and subcode pattern

p4=re.compile(r’<marc:subfield code=”(.*)”>(.*)<’) #defining subfield pattern.

The p3 pattern searches and matches the first and second line statements of the below UIUC records. The p4 pattern searches and matches the third line having the same tag and indexes information of p3 pattern.

<marc:datafield tag="041" ind1="0" ind2=" ">

<marc:subfield code="a">rus</marc:subfield>

<marc:subfield code="b">eng</marc:subfield>


These information is transferred into CT like the below. CT shows the generalized information of language code, 041 tag. That is, they are mapped into ct:language with authority iso 639-2 or iso 639-3 nevertheless subcode $a indicates a language code of text/sound track or separate title, and subcode $b indicates a language code of summary or abstract. CT does not indicate detail information whether the language code is for title or summary.

<language authority ="iso639-2">rus</language>

<language authority ="iso639-3">eng</language>

But, if the information according to subfields is critical to preserve information, we can specify the detail information in the transferred content. Actually, the conversion program translates tag 852 information like the below, because UIUC records use the tag often and I feel we need to specify the detail for content values.

def translate852(mfield):

if mfield.subcode=='a':


elif mfield.subcode=='b':


elif mfield.subcode=='h':

content='Coded location-'+str(mfield.value)

elif mfield.subcode=='i':

content='Item part-'+str(mfield.value)

elif mfield.subcode=='p':

content='Piece designation-'+str(mfield.value)

elif mfield.subcode=='t':

content='Copy number-'+str(mfield.value)



return content

The full version of the conversion program is in the Designed Conversion Program.

3. Methodology to Measure transfer, non-transfer, Tag Match, and Semantic Match Rates

The designed conversion program also measures transfer rate, non-transfer rate (loss of information rate), MARC tag match rate, and semantic match rates in the mapping experiment with MARCXML records of UIUC.

3.1. Measuring Transfer and Non-transfer Rates

To measure transfer and non-transfer rates, total transferred tags according to different subcodes and indexes are counted. For example, in the below MARCXML record, leader, 001 tag, 005, 008, 035 subcode a, and 035 subcode 9 are checked whether each of them is transferred (counted as transferred) or not (counted as non-transferred) into the developed CT.

<leader>00655nam 2200193 i 4500</leader>

<controlfield tag="001">200001</controlfield>

<controlfield tag="005">20020415161359.0</controlfield>

<controlfield tag="008">770519s1965 ilu 00000 eng d</controlfield>

<datafield tag="035" ind1=" " ind2=" ">

<subfield code="a">(OCoLC)ocm02977467</subfield>


<datafield tag="035" ind1=" " ind2=" ">

<subfield code="9">AAV-1954</subfield>


If a statement of a MARCXML record is not transferred into CT, the non-transfer variable is increased and the tag is added into noMatchtagDic dictionary showing how many times it isn't transferred in UIUC records.

3.2. Measuring Tag Match Rate

Since matching with all information with MARC tag, indexes and subcode is very rarely happen, to measure the tag match rate, three methods are used:

  • Perfect match rate matched by all of MARC tag, indexes and subcode
  • Subcode match rate matched by tag and any subcodes or subcode ‘a’ as a default
  • General match rate for MARC tag number only

The perfect match means the encoded tag with all information of MARC tag, indexes and subcode such as 086I0Sa is mapped into CT according to MARCtoCTcrosswalk, For example, 043 field, geographic area code, with subcode ‘a’ (043Sa) is perfectly matched with ct:subject type=”spatial” based on MARC to QDC crosswalk. 260Sa, 260Sb, 260Sc, 533Sb, 533Sd, and 533Se encoded tags show perfect match.

If the encoded tag with all information is not matched into CT based on MARCtoCTcrosswalk, only MARC tag and subcode information except indexes is retrieved from the encoded tag. And subcode match is investigated. There are two kinds of subcode match: MARC tag and subcode match except indexes; and MARC tag and subcode ‘a’ match as a default except indexes. As a first subcode match example, 245 field with subcode ‘b,’ 245Sb, is matched with ct:title type=”subtitle.” 245Sb, 245Sc, 650Sz are the first subcode match tags. The second subcode match examples with subcode default ‘a’ are 020, 035, 040, 100, 245, 300, 440, 490, 504, 650, 830, 852, etc.

If the encoded tag is not perfect matched nor subcode matched, the general match is considered. The general match means that only MARC tag number is matched. As an example of general match, 300 field is matched with ct:format type=”extent,” regardless indexes and subcode information. 035, 040, 082, 084, 111,300, 490, 700, 776, 8, 99430, 852, etc. are general matched tags.

In the conversion program, these tag match rates are investigated in the findMatch module like:

def findMatch(tag, content,mfield,marcCTDic,fhandle2,transfer, ntransfer, tstatement,pmatch, smatch,gmatch,exactMatch,broadMatch):


if tag in marcCTDic:#perfect match by all tag number, subcode, and indexes


if mfield.tagnum in roleTags and mfield.subcode=='e' :

key=key+' role="'+str(content)+'" authority="LCMARCrelators"'

transfer, tstatement=writingconversion(key,content,fhandle2, transfer, tstatement)


exactMatch,broadMatch=semanticMatch(exactMatch,broadMatch, tag) #find semantic match rates

elif mfield.tagnum in marcCTDic and mfield.subcode!='':#subcode match by tag number and subcode


if ntag in marcCTDic:


if mfield.tagnum in roleTags and mfield.subcode=='e' :

key=key+' role="'+str(content)+'" authority="LCMARCrelators"'

transfer, tstatement=writingconversion(key,content,fhandle2, transfer, tstatement)


exactMatch,broadMatch=semanticMatch(exactMatch,broadMatch, ntag) #find semantic match rates

elif mfield.subcode=='a': #subcode match by tag number and subcode ‘a’ as a default


transfer, tstatement=writingconversion(key,content,fhandle2, transfer, tstatement)


exactMatch,broadMatch=semanticMatch(exactMatch,broadMatch, mfield.tagnum) #find semantic match rates

else: #general match by only tag number

for mkey in marcCTDic.keys():

if mfield.tagnum in mkey or mkey in mfield.tagnum:


if mfield.tagnum in roleTags and mfield.subcode=='e' :

key=key+' role="'+str(content)+'" authority="LCMARCrelators"'

transfer, tstatement=writingconversion(key,content,fhandle2, transfer, tstatement)

exactMatch,broadMatch=semanticMatch(exactMatch,broadMatch, mkey) #find semantic match rates



elif mfield.tagnum in marcCTDic: #general match by only tag number

for mkey in marcCTDic.keys():

if mfield.tagnum in mkey or mkey in mfield.tagnum:


transfer, tstatement=writingconversion(key,content,fhandle2, transfer, tstatement)


exactMatch,broadMatch=semanticMatch(exactMatch,broadMatch, mkey) #find semantic match rates


else:#if there is no-matched by tag number, indexes, and subcode, increase non-transfer variable

ntransfer,tstatement=notransfer(mfield.tagnum, ntransfer,tstatement)

return transfer,ntransfer, tstatement, pmatch, smatch,gmatch,exactMatch,broadMatch

3.3. Measuring Semantic Match Rates

To measure semantic match rate, I investigate again how fields interpreted by MODS elements are semantically related to CT, although semantic relations were sincerely considered when MARCtoCTcrosswalk was built and when CT was designed and developed. This time, the semantic relation is measured by SKOS mapping concept schemes.

First, semantic relations are investigated for each MARCXML to CT mapping based on SKOS mapping concept schemes (e.g., skos:exactMatch, skos:closeMatch, skos:broadMatch, skos:narrowMatch, and skos:relationMatch). The investigated semantic relation is added in the MARC to CT crosswalk.

For example, MARC 041 field, language code, is mapped into ct:language with different authorities according to subcodes (e.g., iso 639-2, rfc1766, rfc3066, rfc 4646, and iso 639-3). It is semantically exactly matched mapping. Thus, the mapping is considered as semantic exactMatch relation.

MARC 044 field, country of publishing/producing entity code, is mapped into ct:publisher;

  • 044 with subcode ‘a’, into publisher type=”place”;
  • 044 with subcode ‘c’ into publisher type=”place” authority=”iso3166.”
  • --> Since the mapping with subcode is much exactly mapped with sub-property type=”place” that specifies the published place, the mapping is considered as exactMatch.
  • 044 without subcode is generally mapped into ct:publisher.
  • -->this mapping is considered as broadMatch.

The below table is a part of MARC to CT crosswalk with SKOS semantic relations.

In the defined semantic relations, I found mainly two matches are used: broadMatch and exactMatch. In the conversion program, thus, these matches are defined as broadMatch and exactMatch dictionaries. Simply, semanticMatch module examines in which dictionary a field mapping is included, and increases exactMatch or broadMatch variable.

def semanticMatch(exactMatch,broadMatch, field):

if field in exactMatchDic:


elif field in broadMatchDic:


return exactMatch,broadMatch

4. The Results of the Mapping Experiment with UIUC(MARCXML) Metadata Records

The result of the MARCXML to CT conversion shows amazing performance of CT that has only 12 common terms that are less than DC core 15 elements, and 58 qualifiers that are many fewer than MARC tags and subcodes. Showing very high mapping rate and very low loss of information rate is founded on that we developed CT based on MARC tag usage in records and in search engines. And the Common Terminology concept, a set of common terms of commonly used standards as a bridge terminology, is very effective to achieve interoperability among different standards (even very different degree of specificity and generality such as MARC, DC).

4.1. An example of the converted CT from MARCXML of UIUC records

As we can see from the example, CT description is easily readable and understandable, and very simple.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!--filename:UIU5.xml records:33961 totalUIUrecords:321359-->

<CT xmlns:xsi=""



<identifier type="controlNumber" source="UIUC">4863288</identifier>

<description type="recordinfo">20080912002420.0</description>

<date type="issued">1975</date>

<publisher type="place">ja </publisher>

<typeGenre type="genre" authority="LCMARCgenre">fiction</typeGenre>

<language authority="iso639-2">eng</language>

<description type="recordinfo">00653cam a2200205Ia 4500</description>

<typeGenre authority="LCMARCtype">text</typeGenre>

<typeGenre authority="LCMARCtype">Monograph/Item</typeGenre>

<description type="issuance">multipart monograph</description>

<identifier type="controlNumber">(OCoLC)ocm56626489</identifier>

<description type="recordinfo">Cataloging Source-UIU</description>

<language authority ="iso639-2">eng</language>

<language authority ="iso639-3">jpn</language>

<contributor name="personal">Bellow, Saul.</contributor>

<title>Dangling man /</title>

<rights type="holder">Saul Bellow ; edited with notes by the Taiyosha Editorial Department (unabridged).</rights>

<publisher type="place">[Tokyo?] :</publisher>

<publisher>Taiyosha Press,</publisher>

<date type="issued">1975.</date>

<format type="extent">186 p. ;</format>

<format type="extent">19 cm.</format>

<language>Introduction and notes in Japanese.</language>

<identifier type="identifierOther">X0</identifier>

<identifier type="identifierOther">UIU</identifier>

<identifier type="collection">Location-IU</identifier>

<identifier type="collection">Sublocation-Rare Book &amp;amp; Manuscript Library [non-circulating]</identifier>

<identifier type="collection">Coded location-KRAUS</identifier>

<identifier type="collection">Item part-813 B417d1975a</identifier>

<identifier type="collection">Piece designation-30112062501694</identifier>

<identifier type="collection">Copy number-1</identifier>

4.2. Performance Results

As a result along with the converted CT from MARCXML of UIUC records, performance of CT is as follows:

  • Total transfer rate from MARCXML of UIUC to CT is 95.27%.
  • Non-transfer rate, loss of information rate from MARC records to CT is 4.729%.
  • It is very low rate, considering that CT has only 12 common terms (less than Dublin Core) and 58 qualifiers (many fewer than MARC tags).
  • Semantic match rate by SKOS concept is 100%
    • exactMatch rate: 54.2% and
    • broadMatch: 45.79%.
  • Tag Match Rate
    • The perfect match rate matched by all of MARC tag, indexes and subcode is 16.1447%;
    • subcode match rate by tag and subcodes is 42.33 %; and
    • general match rate for MARC tag number only is 41.525%.

4.3. Non-transferred MARC tags

The dictionary for non-transferred tags shows which tags have no mapping in the MARCtoCTcrosswalk. The most often used but not transferred tag is 049 and it is for local holdings for OCLC. 092 tag is for local Dewey call number of OCLC. But, these non-transferred tags do not critically affect loss of information rate. Total loss of information rate, non-transfer rate, is only 4.729% for 400.000 MARCXML records of UIUC. The noMatchtag dictionary shows the sorted non-transferred tags with frequency of use.

sorted noMatchtagDic: OrderedDict([('696', 1), ('315', 1), ('793', 1), ('526', 1), ('361', 1), ('512', 1), ('514', 1), ('565', 1), ('956', 1), ('946', 1), ('098', 2), ('695', 2), ('939', 2), ('935', 2), ('996', 2), ('790', 2), ('917', 2), ('556', 2), ('952', 2), ('697', 3), ('544', 3), ('592', 3), ('263', 3), ('791', 4), ('302', 4), ('656', 4), ('866', 4), ('380', 5), ('261', 5), ('913', 7), ('960', 7), ('598', 8), ('096', 9), ('524', 9), ('346', 9), ('945', 10), ('599', 11), ('853', 13), ('547', 14), ('902', 16), ('257', 17), ('581', 18), ('069', 20), ('585', 21), ('596', 22), ('863', 27), ('545', 29), ('017', 31), ('400', 32), ('027', 33), ('765', 36), ('886', 41), ('351', 48), ('692', 49), ('055', 51), ('767', 52), ('344', 54), ('753', 60), ('270', 71), ('563', 72), ('911', 85), ('256', 89), ('777', 116), ('212', 132), ('350', 132), ('030', 140), ('586', 150), ('799', 206), ('070', 214), ('410', 260), ('570', 265), ('088', 354), ('525', 370), ('006', 392), ('301', 404), ('693', 523), ('074', 538), ('963', 552), ('025', 583), ('699', 683), ('012', 850), ('254', 853), ('949', 886), ('503', 963), ('691', 1346), ('938', 1574), ('840', 1832), ('099', 2162), ('305', 2754), ('539', 2795), ('936', 2824), ('247', 3041), ('011', 3098), ('508', 3192), ('588', 3265), ('891', 3552), ('262', 4678), ('590', 4895), ('850', 5692), ('910', 7005), ('306', 8154), ('066', 8421), ('037', 10974), ('265', 11254), ('048', 16695), ('987', 23711), ('090', 39528), ('690', 85477), ('092', 128942), ('880', 142277), ('049', 204944)])

4.4. The Result of the Conversion Program


filename: UIU1.xml 135915 totalUIUrecords: 135915

totalUIUrecords: 135915 transfer: 4566186 ntransfer: 52187 tstatement: 4618373 pmatch: 643505 smatch: 2116405 gmatch: 1806276

exactMatch: 2550979 broadMatch: 2015207

filename: UIU2.xml 37437 totalUIUrecords: 173352

totalUIUrecords: 173352 transfer: 6157477 ntransfer: 106886 tstatement: 6264363 pmatch: 839943 smatch: 2788216 gmatch: 2529318

exactMatch: 3372161 broadMatch: 2785316

filename: UIU3.xml 56647 totalUIUrecords: 229999

totalUIUrecords: 229999 transfer: 8509113 ntransfer: 182095 tstatement: 8691208 pmatch: 1287346 smatch: 3656834 gmatch: 3564933

exactMatch: 4575380 broadMatch: 3933733

filename: UIU4.xml 57399 totalUIUrecords: 287398

47829 th record has an error with empty content of 008 content:

totalUIUrecords: 287398 transfer: 10756274 ntransfer: 394669 tstatement: 11150943 pmatch: 1718820 smatch: 4583231 gmatch: 4454223

exactMatch: 5829439 broadMatch: 4926835

filename: UIU5.xml 33961 totalUIUrecords: 321359

totalUIUrecords: 321359 transfer: 12231743 ntransfer: 542800 tstatement: 12774543 pmatch: 1961152 smatch: 5196624 gmatch: 5073967

exactMatch: 6635676 broadMatch: 5596067

filename: UIU6.xml 55907 totalUIUrecords: 377266

totalUIUrecords: 377266 transfer: 14163307 ntransfer: 678292 tstatement: 14841599 pmatch: 2295833 smatch: 6012691 gmatch: 5854783

exactMatch: 7662108 broadMatch: 6501199

filename: UIU7.xml 17650 totalUIUrecords: 394916

totalUIUrecords: 394916 transfer: 15004437 ntransfer: 744785 tstatement: 15749222 pmatch: 2422422 smatch: 6351387 gmatch: 6230628

exactMatch: 8133226 broadMatch: 6871211

394916 15004437 744785 15749222 2422422 6351387 6230628 8133226 6871211

total records of UIU: 394916

total transferred and non transferred 15749222

transfer: 15004437 , transfer rate: 95.2709727503

notransfer: 744785 , notransfer rate: 4.72902724973

perpect match matched by all tag, indexes, and subcode: 2422422 , perpect match rate: 16.1447043964

subcode match matched by tag and subcode: 6351387 , subcode match rate: 42.3300587686

tag match matched by only tag: 6230628 , tag match rate: 41.5252368349

total semantic matched:exactMatch or broadMatch 15004437

semantic exactMatch: 8133226 , semantic exactMatch rate: 54.2054726878

semantic broadMatch: 6871211 , semantic broadMatch rate: 45.7945273122

5. Conclusion

To examine the developed Common Terminology, the mapping experiments have been done with MIT(QDC) records and UIUC(MARCXML) records. The paper reports 400,000 refined MARCXML records of UIUC to CT mapping experiment. Considering complex MARC records’ information with indexes and subcodes, encoding and decoding methods is used. Several mapping methods are used. Surprisingly, the result of the MARCXML to CT conversion proves amazing performance of CT, although CT has only 12 common terms that are less than 15 core elements of DC, and 58 qualifiers that are many fewer than MARC tags and subcodes. Total transfer rate is 95.27%; Non-transfer rate, loss of information rate is only 4.729%. Semantic match rate by SKOS concept is 100%.

In light of these results and the result of MIT(QDC) to CT mapping experiment (transfer 99.9%, lexical 98.7%, semantic match rate 100%, and loss of information rate 0.00463%), we conclude that CT shows higher performance in achieving and improving metadata interoperability, minimizing loss of information and preserving the specificity and precision of the source metadata records.

Showing very high performance and very low loss of information rate is founded on which we developed CT based on MARC tag usage in Harvard, UIUC, and WorldCat records and in search interfaces. Over 50% used tags are considered as common terms or qualifiers. Also, the Common Terminology concept, a set of common terms of commonly used standards as a bridge terminology, is very effective to achieve interoperability among different standards (even very different degree of specificity and generality such as MARC, MODS and DC & QDC). Through the experiments, it is proved that finding and reusing commonly used terms among existing standards is a very crucial way to build interoperability, instead of creating new schema.

Last Modified October 16, 2014