Time Requirements

The schedule represents my best approximation of the time requirements and as activity sequence,

it can be adjusted to situations and to needs.

The Expended Time Requirement

To achieve Metadata Interoperability at the repository level, the following tasks are required:

  • Conducting a CT union catalog with metadata pulled from Harvard, MIT and UIUC.
  • Developing the CT union catalog generator program by Python computer language.
  • Building a relational data base with the union catalog.
  • Conducting Linked Open Data (LOD) to map and link metadata records of three universities on the Web.
  • Conducting a prototype for an integrated searching by the built LOD and CT union catalog working with Harvard, MIT, and UIUC libraries.

To conduct an integrated search engines among Harvard, MIT and UIUC libraries, and to achieve practically interoperability among three universities, task 6 and 7 are strongly recommended. To conduct the experiment, the time requirement should be expanded.

  • Task 6. Mapping metadata of three universities to Linked Open Data
  • Task 7. Conducting an integrated search engine by generating LOD and CT union catalog with CT