Armored Turnips


Rappe Armate. Fa cocere le rape soto la braxa, ho vero falle allessare integre; poi tagliale in fette grosse como la costa d'un cortelo; he haverai caso permesano, ho altro bono caso grasso, tagliato in fette large como quelle de le rappe, ma piu sutile ; he habi zucaro, pipero he specie dolce miscolateinsieme; he aconzarai queste fette in una padella da torta per ordine, suso el fondo queste fette de caso, ponendo de sopra bono butiro fresco, he poi le fette de le rappe, he cusi de grado in grado agiongendo sempre per tuto de quelle miscolate specie; he cusi farai cocere in la dita padella cum del butiro assai per spacio de uno quarto de hora ho piu al modo de una torta; et questa imbandisone se da da poi ale altra.


Platina book 8

Cut up turnips that have been either boiled or cooked under the ashes. Likewise do the same with rich cheese, not too ripe. These should be smaller morsels than the turnips, though. In a pan greased with butter or liquamen, make a layer of cheese first, then a layer of turnips, and so on, all the while pouring in spice and some butter, from time to time. This dish is quickly cooked and should be eaten quickly, too.


(for 14 8x8 trays)

9 lbs cheese (combination of shredded aged provolone and asiago, and fresh mozzarella)

16 lbs turnips






Vegetable Stock

Mix spices and place them in a shaker container.

Peel turnips (after cutting off tops and roots).

Chop them up and cook them in boiling stock until tender.

Drain turnips, then place in large mixing container with the butter (so the butter will melt).

Mash the turnips. Add cream and whip the mashed turnips until smooth.

In a greased pan, layer shredded cheese, soft cheese, whipped turnips, spices. Repeat, ending with a layer of shredded cheese.

Bake in a 300-350 oven until hot, with the cheese melted.

Note: If you're on a tight budget or have limited access to cheeses, this dish is very tasty using muenster, sharp cheddar, and fresh farmers' cheese.