
Blender Python Blender related python snippets to get you started. Learn blender bpy.

Blender Python Recipes (Wiki)

Creating a Blender 2.6 Python add-on (tiene una explicación muy detalla, con ejemplos, en inglés).

PYTHON / Importing and Visualizing Data using Python in Blender (tiene una explicación detallada de como importar datos desde un archivo CSV (Comma Separated Value), esta en inglés).

3d Mandelbrot fractal in Blender python (tiene una explicación detallada del script python)

Nikolaus Gradwohl2012-05-02T06:12:36+02:00

This is a flight throught a level 4 Menger Sponge. I generated the fractal using a pyhton script.

Generating Fractals with Blender and Animation-Nodes . This is a collection of tutorials, examples and resources for generating fractals visuals using Blender. I’ll cover topics such as recursion, n-flakes, L-systems, Mandelbrot/Julia sets and derivations.

Blender 3.0 Basic Geometry Nodes. In this video i'm going to show you the following geometry nodes basics for the New Blender 3.0. Timestaps: How to add Instances, How to randomize Instances Size, How to use an Empty as an Effector, How to Align Instances to normal faces, How to add Instances to a Vertex Group. For more, visit the following links: Blog: pixldgblog.com/

Generating Fractals with Blender and Animation-Nodes . This is a collection of tutorials, examples and resources for generating fractals visuals using Blender. I’ll cover topics such as recursion, n-flakes, L-systems, Mandelbrot/Julia sets and derivations.

Create Fractals in Blender using Geometry Nodes , video.