Jumble of Sundries and Miscellanea

Competitive running races :

Half Marathons: 


Ultra Marathons:

Relay Races and Miscellaneous Jumble:

Non-research publications:

News and Views:
Golden jubilee for an iconic financial formula,
Contribution on the Occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Black-Scholes formula.
Nature 618 (7964), 243-245

Book reviews (co-)authored: 

Synthetic Data for Deep Learning
Quantitative Finance 22 (3), 423-425

Mathematical Modeling and Computation in Finance 

with A Gnoatto, Quantitative Finance 22 (11), 1971-1972

Exotic Options and Hybrids: A Guide to Structuring, Pricing and Trading 

Quantitative Finance 21 (9), 1435-1436

Mathematics of the Bond Market: A Lévy Processes Approach

with Z Grbac,  Quantitative Finance 21 (8), 1263-1265