

Title: "Modelling and numerical simulation of individual and collective swimming mechanisms in active suspensions"

Supervisors: Eric Climent (INP) and Pierre Degond (Imperial College)

Summa Cum Laude, ranked 2nd with Honors,

Fellowships / Grants / Prizes



PhD students:

Undergraduate and Master students:

Research: Sedimentation of flexible fibers towards obstacles

      Research: Migration and clogging of fibers in structured environments

      Research: Modelling collective motion in reactive suspensions.

      Research: Particle transport and mixing by micro-swimmers.

Research: Sedimentation of colloidal suspensions near boundaries.

Research: Quasi-2D particle collective diffusion above a no-slip boundary.

Research: Monte-Carlo simulation of confined particles with arbitrary shape.

Thesis: Simulation of Flexible Fibers in Turbulent Flows.

Thesis: Identification and Parameter Estimation for Discrete Model of a Micro-Swimmer

Thesis: Modelling of sperm 3D beating.

Thesis defence committees

Journal reviewer : 


Popularization of science

Scientific organizations: APS, SIAM