
Publications (*: Equal contribution, ^: Corresponding author)

In the news:  -  "A surprising way to trap a microparticle"

                     - CNRS Journal "Un piégeage de particules grâce au mouvement brownien"

See the News and Views from Pietro Tierno. Video from the Gallery of Fluid Motion at APS-DFD:  See a presentation by Michelle and I at Syracuse University:

PhD Thesis

"Modeling and Simulation of Individual and Collective Swimming Mechanisms in Active Suspensions", defended on September 21, 2015.

Link to the PDF version (in English)


Seminars and Invited Talks 

Keynote Conference Talks

Conference Talks

        -  organizer of the Minisymposium "Numerical Methods for Particle Suspensions and Fluid-Structure Interactions at Small Scales"

Conference Posters