About the Breed

Jacob Sheep are a very old breed and are mentioned in the Bible. They were first introduced to the UK in the 1700s by wealthy landowners who wanted attractive animals for their parkland. The first Jacobs that were introduced were four horn sheep. Over the years two horn sheep were also bred and we now have two distinctive types of Jacob - two horned and four horned.

Blackwolds Follower home bred ram has won many prizes

Blackwolds Fiddler (left) & Border Brigadier (right) Shearling Rams

With thanks to the Jacob Sheep Society for the following:

Jacob sheep are an ideal breed for both large and small flock masters and have the following features and benefits:

Prolific – 190% born alive is a realistic lambing percentage. High lambing percentages are to be expected, particularly to ewes lambing later in the season.

Easy lambing – The breed is noted for its easy lambing attributes, which is ideal for novice or first-time sheep keepers or for those whose time is limited. This is also a benefit where saving labour on the farm is desirable.

Good Mothering Qualities - Jacob ewes show consistently good mothering qualities and many will successfully produce sufficient milk to rear triplets without resorting to supplementary feeding.

Hardy & Long-lived - Easily over wintered outside and attracting few disease problems. Jacob sheep also attract less foot problems than many breeds. Having good feet and high heath status allows Jacob sheep to keep breeding for many years. Ewes rearing lambs for 7 years or more are not uncommon.

Carcass Quality and Flavour- Ideally suited for deep freeze or farm-gate sales. The exceptionally full flavour and leanness is retained even in hogget carcasses. Customers supplied direct always come back for more, preferring Jacob lamb to product sourced from regular outlets, often being prepared to pay a premium price for this quality. When crossed with any of the popular terminal sire breeds, the Jacob ewe produces fast-growing lambs capable of meeting the exacting standards of today's retail trade buyers.

Wool and skin - They also produce high quality wool which is excellent for spinning and weaving. The unique colour of the wool makes every garment or woven item individual. The tanned sheepskins make very desirable rugs and the skins can also be used to make a variety of other goods.