I am always interested in motivated students or postdocs looking for a thesis/research topic (e.g., a bachelor or master thesis, Bachelorarbeit or Masterarbeit, or a summer project). In the past, I have worked with exceptional BSc, MSc, PhD students, and postdocs nearly all of whom have had their works published in good quality OR journals at early stages of their career. 

Please send me an email, with your CV and a transcript, if you are interested. For a few topics, see here, here, here, and here. Other topics from our common interests an be constructed as well. Topics related to sustainability, waste management, infectious disease outbreaks, AI, and energy management - with a focus on discrete optimization are especially welcome. A strong technical knowledge, evidenced by your grades in such courses, is desired.

For PhD positions at the University of Southampton, please apply directly on the university's website: here. I am the postgraduate research coordinator for the OR group at Southampton and will be evaluating your application.

A DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation) funded short postdoc position is available with me on optimal allocation of critical resources during pandemics. Strong experience in discrete optimization is required. Informal inquiries are welcome. Apply here

My team is academically diverse with a varied scientific backgrounds ranging from BSc students to Postdoc researchers:


   [10] Sophie Reshetnikova (Mathematics) at University of Southampton, UK.

    [9] Toby Roberts (Engineering) at University of Southampton, UK.

    [8] Gülfem Er (Operations Research) at University of Southampton, UK.
    [7] Montree Jaidee (Operations Research) at University of Southampton, UK.


[6] Malena Schmidt (Applied Mathematics) at TU Delft, Netherlands.
see article published in Networks here.


[5] Christian Schmitt (Mathematics) at FAU, Germany.

see article published in INFORMS Journal on Computing here.

[4] Charlotte Ritter (Mathematics) at FAU, Germany.

see article published in Lecure Notes in Computer Science here.

[3] Oliver Rehberg (Mathematics) at FAU, Germany.

see article published in Optimization Letters here


[2]  Philipp Brendel (Mathematics) at FAU, Germany.

[1]  Lena Oberfichtner (Mathematics) at FAU, Germany.

see article published in Annals of Operations Research here.