Recent news:

I am thankful to all my collaborators and students for our joint activities which has made these successes possible. Below are some relatively recent announcements.


🎉A post-doc position is available with me. Informal inquiries are welcome, apply on University of Southampton's site here.

Call for submissions:

🎉 I am the Guest Editor of a SI on “Stochastic Optimization and Operations Research: Theory and Applications” for the journal Mathematics. Please consider submitting your work. 


🎉In 2024-25, I will be a visiting professor at TU Dresden, Germany as part of their competitive Distinguished Research Fellowship visiting Dresden frequently in 2024 and 2025. We will work on modeling strategic hydrogen investment decisions for the German and UK landscape using stochastic optimization models.
Further, I will teach a two day course for PhD students on chance constraints in the Saxon Doctoral Program in Management Research - a joint initiative of four German universities. Registration is free, and students will receive a certificate.

🎉In 2024, I will be visiting Ataturk University, Turkey again for an extended period thanks to the Scientific and Technological Research Institution of Turkey (TÜBİTAK). See here for my 2023 honorary lecture.

🎉In June 2024, I will also be visiting the University of Bayreuth for three weeks with support from their Humboldt Centre. We will work on algorithms for solving certain classes of stochastic optimization models.

🎉I won the Mathematics 2023 Young Investigator Award.

🎉In 2023, I was elected as a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, elevated to the distinction of an Associate Fellow of The OR Society, and elected as an IEEE Senior Member.  


🎉I was awarded funding under the Small Grants Call by the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research. As part of this program, I continue strengthening my collaboration with Turkey.

🎉I was awarded funding by The Alan Turing Institute for a bilateral collaboration with the University of Bergamo, Italy on the topic "Trustworthy AI". I visited Bergamo for two weeks beginning a collaboration that is now active.

🎉 I was awarded funding by the University of Southampton on the topic "Policies to drive local waste recycling behavior". This unique cooperation includes one co-PI from waste management and one from linguistics, a combination which is rare for mathematics! Together with my co-PIs, I seek to measure how governmental propaganda and campaigns diminish or increase recycling patterns of individuals. A postdoctorate researcher is currently working with me on this topic.


🎉(Apr' 2024) Congratulations to my student Malena Schmidt for publishing our work on waste management policy in Bavaria in Networks.
The German state of Bavaria is closing recycling centers in the last two decades particularly for sustainability concerns. Do rural populations suffer from this? Could we derive optimal closure policies that ensure access to such important yet nuisance-causing facilities? Malena's work answers this very relevant question. 

🎉(Feb' 2024) Congratulations to my student Christian Schmitt for publishing our work in INFORMS Journal on Computing.
In a strong piece of theoretical analysis on facility location problems, Christian's work defines new notions of fairness with respect to utilization of facilities as opposed to the typically employed accessibility of users. The KKT conditions of such non-convex integer optimization models precisely balance accessibility and fairness. Importantly, our new axioms of fairness reduce to classical notions (e.g., proportional fairness) under specific settings. 

🎉(Nov' 2023) Congratulations to my student Charlotte Ritter for publishing our work in Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Charlotte performed a series of computational experiments on chance constraints when solved with a Lagrangian relaxation scheme. We found that the step-size rule (e.g., Polyak's or a constant) employed when the Lagrangian model is solved by a subgradient scheme offers no statistically significant difference. Charlotte has a bright career ahead given that she has a solid publication from her BSc work itself!


🎉(May 2024) I was invited by Prof. Stein-Erik Fleten at NTNU, Trondheim for a week to discuss our research ideas and also gave a seminar. 

🎉(Mar'-Apr'2024) I visited IIT Delhi (invited by Prof. Vikas Vikram Singh) and IIT Ropar, India funded by the London Mathematical Society. 

🎉(Dec' 2023-Jan' 2024) I visited Prof. Francesca Maggioni at the University of Bergamo, Italy for two weeks. The visit was funded by The Alan Turing Institute, UK.

🎉(Dec' 2023) I was invited by Prof. Ralf Werner at the University of Augsburg, Germany to present a seminar.

🎉(Jul' 2023) I was invited by Prof. Carlos Monardes at the Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile to present a seminar.

🎉(Jul' 2023) I presented at the International Conference Stochastic Programming (ICSP) conference in California.

🎉(Jul' 2023) I presented at the triennial International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) in Santiago, Chile.

🎉(Mar'-Apr' 2023) I visited the Department of Mathematics at Atatürk University, Turkey for four weeks thanks to a visiting fellowship grant by the TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Institution of Turkey). I also gave a seminar, a recording of which is available here.