BIOT Legal Advisers & Judiciary

BIOT has a number of Judicial and Legal Appointments.  Aside from the Magistrates Court on Diego Garcia, the BIOT Courts have sat very rarely, if at all.


Magistrate, Coroner, and Registrar    -    the current appointed BritRep/Commanding Officer of the British Military Unit

Deputy Magistrate, Coroner, and Registrar     - Executive Officer of the British Military Unit


Prior to 2023 the BIOT Courts very rarely heard any cases. However in late 2023 and early 2024 there has been a flurry of appointments to the BIOT Courts following the first of several cases arising from the starnding of Asylum seekers on Diego Ggarcia. This is reflected in the dates of appointment below.

Senior/Chief Magistrate  

Mr Vinesh Mandalia (appointed 22 December 2023). 

Former Chief Magistrate Mr Charles Ekins, Barrister, formerly of Park Square Chambers, Leeds. Called to the Bar 1980.

BIOT Supreme Court 

(equivalent to the High Court of England and Wales)

Chief Justice

also hold positions of Chief Justice Falkland Islands, South Georgia, South Sandwich, and British Antarctic Territory

James Lewis KC

James Lewis KC is a specialist in both civil and criminal cases, and was appointed Joint Head of Chambers at Three Raymond Buildings in 2020 3 Raymond Buildings Website . He was appointed Chief Justice in 2018. He was called to the Bar in 1987 and became a silk in 2002.

Acting Judges of the BIOT Supreme Court

Mr Callum Cowx (appointed 18 December 2023)

Ms Margaret Obi (appointed 19 December 2023)

Registrar of the Supreme Court 

Mr Dominic Green , Partner at Weightmans, 85 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1AE

Tel: 020 7222 7040, Email:       Link 

Appointed to succeed Mr Michael Elks in June 2018 - responsible for convening hearings when they occur.

BIOT Court of Appeal

President of the Court of Appeal  

Sir Howard Morrison KCMG, CBE, KC (appointed 22 February 2024)

Formerly the justice of the Court of Appeal was Mr Richard Benson QC - formerly at Cornwall Street Chambers

Justices of the Court of Appeal

Upper Tribunal Judge Clive Lane (appointed  7 March 2024)

Her Honour Judge Emma Nott (appointed 7 March 2024)

Judge Melanie Plimmer of the First-Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) (appointed 7 March 2024)

Mr Tom Little KC (appointed 7 March 2024)

His Honour Judge Nigel Bird (appointed 10 May 2024)

Registrar of the Court of Appeal

Mr Edward Bennett (appointed 11 December 2023)

General Counsel

Mr James Maitland Wood QC (Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court and British Territories)

Appointed August 2014 - also holds position Principal Legal Adviser, British Antarctic Territory


Attorney General, Government of Anguilla : July 2011 – August 2014

Anguilla Director, Regional Law Revision Centre: June 2008 – August 2014 

Attorney General, Government of Montserrat: 2007 – 2010

Crown Counsel, Government of St Lucia: July 2006 – July 2007

The General Counsel provides independent legal advice to the Commissioner and Administration. Specific duties include advice in relation to the development of policy, advice to the Magistrate and Coroner on the execution of their duties, drafting and consolidation of legislation.

Principal Legal Adviser

The Principal Legal Adviser, Mr David Edwards (from 23 June 2023), has responsibility for overseeing public prosecutions and the implementation of criminal law in BIOT, and also advises the Administration and General Counsel where legislative action is necessary to remedy deficiencies in those laws.

Legal Representation

Anyone finding themselves on the wrong side of BIOT law is advised by the BIOT Administration that: "There are no registered legal practitioners within the territory. Should an individual require legal representation they would procure their own lawyer from overseas (with whom the Administration will facilitate contact), or they can represent themselves."

Page last updated: 25 June 2024