BIOT Environment Charter

In 1999 the UK Government issued the Overseas Territories White Paper ‘Partnership for Progress and Prosperity.’ This recognised that responsibility for environmental issues in the Overseas Territories rested with the local governments, but that the UK Government had responsibility to support these local efforts. This concept was embodied in the Environment Charters, each signed by the Government of the UK and of the Overseas Territory.

Although there are small differences to fit individual Territory circumstances, all Charters include guiding principles and a set of mutual commitments by the UK Government and the Territory concerned in respect of integrating environmental conservation into all sectors of policy planning and implementation.

In each case, the first commitment of the Territory is to develop a detailed strategy for action to implement the principles of the Charter, and the first commitment of the UK Government is to help build capacity to support integrated environmental management.

The BIOT Environment Charter was signed on 26 Sept 2001.

The full text: BIOT Environment Charter 26 Sept 2001.pdf

Page last updated: 17 Nov 2020