Advanced course

In vitro models of biological barriers for Health Sciences Applications

May 21 - 24, 2019

Registration fees

  • Students from University of Porto: 0€
  • Students external to University of Porto: 75€


Biological barriers are indispensable for the integrity and function of many human organs. Moreover, most of the times, bioactive compounds pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics are affected by their interaction with the physiological barriers. Indeed, bioactive compounds, drugs and nanoparticles need to cross biological barriers to reach their target and, in some cases, act at the barrier level. The course will explore the molecular structure and function of biological barriers such as skin, lung, gastrointestinal and blood brain barriers. The most used in vitro models for each one of these barriers will be discussed regarding their advantages and disadvantages, and the limitations regarding the translation to the human body.

The course will be composed by a theoretical and a significant hands-on component.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Ÿ Describe the structure of biological barriers by considering their surface and colloidal chemical characteristics
  • Ÿ Explore the role of biological barriers on medicine, toxicology and drug delivery
  • Ÿ Relate the characteristics of biological barriers with adsorption, absorption, partition and diffusion phenomena at the barriers
  • Ÿ Recognize the importance of biological barriers models for clinical translation of new drugs and delivery systems
  • Ÿ Design appropriate strategies/assays with biological barriers models
  • Ÿ Execute protocols for the production of in vitro models of skin (using Franz cells), intestine and brain (using Transwell devices) and pulmonary surfactant (using Langmuir monolayers).
  • Ÿ Use the produced models to evaluate the interactions with bioactive compounds and nanoparticles.

Preliminary Program

May 21

9H30 - 10H00 - Welcome Reception

Salette Reis - Associate Professor - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

10H00 - 11H00 -The walls impairing efficient therapies

Cláudia Nunes - FCT Investigator - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

11H30 - 12H30 - Biological membranes: the first barrier

Catarina Pereira Leite - Post-Doctoral Researcher - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

14H30 - 18H00 - Hands-on training: Membrane permeability

Cláudia Nunes - FCT Investigator - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

Catarina Pereira Leite - Post-Doctoral Researcher - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

May 22

10h00-11h00 - The dynamic blood-brain barrier and the quest to find the entrance

Sofia Santos - Junior Researcher - i3S - nanoBiomaterials for Targeted Therapies

11h30 - 12h30 - Tackling the gastric barrier. Concepts, models and challenges

Daniel Ferreira - BioTechHealth Doctoral Programme, i3S

14H30 - 18H00 - Hands-on training: Transwell devices

Sofia Costa LIma - FCT Investigator - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

Tânia Moniz - Post-Doctoral Researcher - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

May 23

10h00-11h00 - Skin

Invited speaker.

11h30 - 12h30 - Skin: practical aspects

Sofia Costa LIma - FCT Investigator - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

14H30 - 18H00 - Hands-on training: Franz cells

Sofia Costa LIma - FCT Investigator - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

Tânia Moniz - Post-Doctoral Researcher - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

May 24

10h00-11h00 - Pulmonary Barrier

Invited speaker.

11h30 - 12h30 - Pulmonary Barrier: practical aspects

Marina Pinheiro - Post-Doctoral Researcher - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto

14H30 - 18H00 - Hands-on training: Langmuir monolayers

Marina Pinheiro - Post-Doctoral Researcher - LAQV, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto