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Disclaimer on Economics, Society, Laws, Politics, Ethics

Collaborations with UCL

Google, Google Cloud.

All content marked by HM/BNT belongs to the site owner

All work copyright work

All other logos and content belong to their respective owners

Commercial disclaimer

Freedom of Information and Ethics of Latest Technologies

The work that I carry out is entirely benign and for the good of humanity – for example tackling diseases, etc, huge potential to increase standard of living for every human being who are good and contribute positively to the world.

This has huge potential.

A new debate now, for example

For example:

Genetic for viruses

Computer viruses

AI Robotics

3D printed firearm parts

Social networking privacy

Open-source data can any can download and manipulate, in the wrong hands, potentially bad. It would be very easy for anyone with experience in these fields to use these for bad.

A strong case by a crypto-liberalism and techno-libertarianism

Digital revolutionaries that these new technologies.

Human Rights Act



First Amendment of the US Constitution

Digital Act of

Fair Act Use

CCBYSA Licenses

These essentially guarantee freedom of speech, expression, information, data, open-source data, thought; and any action which does not directly physically hurt someone else.

There is a new debate now, since. Under the above legal architectures,

It is unfortunate that policymakers and lawmakers worldwide, are generally very slow when adapting and dealing with this ever-changing policy, and implementing common sense policies.

As I build my social and ‘political’ platform over the years, I will seek out more involvement on this issue over the coming years.