(Beta Site 2.0 - Legally Archive Site - now defunct)
For the new site, go to:
(C) HM BNT, 2016-2017
Here are topics for the future:
{Other Nano/Micro Technology}, {Bio-Tissue}
{Global Physics, Geo-Ecology, Exo-biology}
{Global Economics, Politics}
Beyond my current scope:
{Particle Physics, Novel Computing Methods, Machine Learning for ML, BioMed Apps}
Also, here are some other topics I am working on:
{BioMolecular Informatics}
{Basic Robotics/Neuro-Robotics}
This site was previously hosted by a personal cloud DNS at www.bioneurotech.com/b, but has moved to google site servers for better performance and syncing.
Based on the topics below, I aim to construct & build data-driven Computational Models (3D Graphical Representations, Functional Computational Models, Web-based Scripts, Apps, Programs for Analytics/Informatics, Databases Analytics, Big-Data Networks) either from scratch using hard code or using existing platforms.
I deal more with software engineering, computing and virtual simulacrum models; but also some basic hardware implementation and physical experimentation.
I focus on biosciences/neurosciences at all levels of organisation (esp. at low-level and high-level cellular network systems), and merge it with technology, especially looking at computations. My key aim is to understand complex systems.
Here are topics I focus on:
{Cognition & Interactive Communications}
{Neural Networks}
{Intelligent Analytics}
{Further Applications}
As said on the left there, my core work is science & tech research in each of these topics, and projects focus on (not only on coding visual representations) but also working on hard-cording hardcore code for functional computational interactomics models that effectively use and process data, working out hard STEMM mechanism, innovate fundamental hard core base. And producing functional products, such as big-data-files, executable scripts, or packaged apps. Also other further functional applications.
Here is a list (large table TBC) of all the programming languages and programming toolkits that I use:
{Base Tools for Hard Code} // {Platforms}
I also do further work, taking all the topics above, and their products, and making further eLearning and UI games-like products, aspects that I work on (repositories, apps, informative sites, eLearning, videos, object visuals, articles, and other media). (see partner site: Scientifically.org.uk), this involves closer customer service, troubleshooting, etc.
More will be done within this site, such as:
--- User-Generated Editable Wiki OA Repository
My long-term aim is of: capitalising, monetising fully this site, making collaborations, attracting investors, foundation for doctoral work, etc. In the very long term, there will be a need to capitalize from this platform, expanding it by collaborating with other people, and also attract top investors.
The web platform aims to develop useful tools to help us solve every-day complex problems. It is based on using practical applications of two main fields:
--1-- Neurobiology and Cognitive Sciences.
--2-- Computational Neuroscience, Neural Engineering, Biological Informatics, Deep Machine Learning, and Cognitive Analytics.
Click here (TBC): -----
The administration for this site is based in London.
Various projects are currently being worked on, centered around the idea that we need to be using computational neuroscience to further our understanding of (and progress in) computational neuroscience itself. These are inspired by current advances being developed by various STEMM firms.
One current project involves finding the best way of programming computers with the ability to learn and remember emotional episodic memories in the same way humans can. For this, there are current neuro-computational interactionist & connectomics models of the hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex, and visual cortex; and how these enable the optimized encoding, storing, processing and retrieval of EEMs, as well as valuation and policy-optimization. All this is using sentiment analysis, episodic-control, and LSTM. With the help of state-of-the-art deep convolutional artificial neural networks, we can create general-purpose AI which can navigate 3D reward-driven environments, recognize emotional expressions in human faces, and understanding written & spoken language, and make smart decisions.
This has many applications in data management, biomedicine, healthcare, biomedical research, molecular bioinformatics, engineering, communications, mass media, cognitive systems, finance, investment banking, and intelligence & security services.
Open-source data-feeds are provided from GitHub, with relevant DML ANNs using Python 3.5 code (with standard module imports).