About Us

Iman Rezazadeh, Ph.D

Iman received his Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering with a focus in Brain-Computer Interaction followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Mind and Brain at University of California, Davis. Iman worked on an NIH multi-site fellowship in neuroscience at the University of California, Los Angeles' Semel Institute of Neuroscience. In total, he has published more than 60 scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Iman's specialty is sensory processing, brain connectivity, multi-sensory integration, and inter-hemispheric communications, especially in children with neurodevelopmental disorder such as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorders (AD/HDs) In his research, he uses sensitive behavioral measures, eye tracking, and high density brain recording to investigate possible deficits in these low-level processes which likely contribute to the complex phenotype of autism/ADHD. Iman is also a big data expert and leading researcher on developing new methods and models to study and classify brain connectivity patterns and using virtual reality for motor and socio-emotional learning and rehabilitation

Joseph Jurgiel

Joe is a 2nd year BME graduate student at the University of California, Los Angeles, with an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering. He is interested in the development and application of analytical methods that can allow for a better understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders. The goal of these methods is to detect and learn more about what sort of abnormal neural activity occurs in such disorders, which can possibly lead to the development of more effective detection and treatment methods.