Palouse to Cascades West Maps
Maps as jpg files of the Palouse to Cascades Trail west of Snoqualmie Pass. There is the obvious access point at the end of the trail at the Seattle Public Utilities Cedar Falls area at Rattlesnake Lake. But there are other access points between there and Snoqualmie Pass that are not as obvious. I've included these maps to help explain those access points. Use at your own risk, the roads, trails and scramble conditions vary year to year.
Twin Falls
Upper parking lot for Twin Falls is just off I-90 exit 38. The parking is very popular on nice days. There's an old dirt road up from the parking area to the P2C trail.
Garcia Road
Garcia Road is accessible from the west from I-90 exit 38 by driving east towards the Fire Training Center. Garica Road is very rough. The McClellan Butte Trail also crosses the P2C trail in this area.
Hansen Creek Road
From I-90 exit 47 head south and then west on the dirt road, veer south on the Hansen Creek Road. You can park by the P2C trestle and then scramble up the rock face to a side trail to the P2C. Make sure you are not blocking traffic where you park as the road is popular with rock hounds, Scramble at your own risk. The Annette Lake Trail also crosses the P2C Trail in this area,