Links & Resources

Favorites (yes I can have favorites)

Snowater Samoyeds


Ken has provided all our dogs.

If you are serious about Samoyeds, give him a call (and check out the links below). He is a great breeder and really cares about dogs. Every time I have a big question about what is happening with one of my dogs I call him and get great advice.

Wolf Packs

They race Samoyeds and make dog packs, sell scooters and other stuff.

They are great people and I am overjoyed and learn a lot every time I see them. If you want to see how much you can do with a Samoyed or any dog, see this site. Their dogs Lightning and Nimbus have done amazing feats, like getting working Samoyed titles. They also make therapy and service dog vests, but sell those through


Daphne, who started this site, got me started running dogs. Read her book.

Buy her scooters and gear. Go on her fun runs. There is also a yahoo e-mail group

called Dogs Love to Run and the K9 Scooters Northwest group. She has proven almost any dog can run and there are real benefits from doing so.

K9 Scooters Northwest

If you live in the Northwest, this is a group of people who dog scooter near you.

The web site is not always up to date, but you could find someone to run with or mentor you if you join.

Northwest Sled Dog Association

If you live in Washington State and want to meet lots of people that mush, join this group. This group includes big teams, small teams and if you attend their events, you will eventually meet almost everyone in the area who runs dogs. These folks also lobby for places we can run our dogs, very important work given how much area is devoted to snow machines.

Samoyeds and Sled Dogs

The Samoyed Club of America and other links

Want to know more about Samoyeds? Want to find one for yourself? Look here.

Samoyed Club of Washington State

Live in the Northwest? Come here for Samoyed events and info.

Sled Dog Central

The center of the known sled dog universe on the web. If you start here you can get almost anywhere else on the web, of sled dog significance.

Mushing Magazine

I read each issue cover to cover within a day of it showing up.

International Sled Dog Racing Association

Really addicted? Want to run in the big time? (or just dream) Look here.

Check out the vet corner for interesting articles.

Veterinary (dogs that pull have special needs)

International Sled Dog Veterinary Medical Association

Find the vets who know their stuff. GET THE HANDBOOK!

Frankly, most vets just don't understand running dogs.

These people do, and have done a lot of work you can use to your advantage.

Sports Vet

A good resource for how dogs should run and what is wrong if they don't.

I got the CD, it took a while to get it, but learned a lot from it.

He also does evaluations.

AKC Dog Bloat Info

Dog bloat is a critical condition you should be aware of

and have a plan for acting on immediately.

I try to keep a list of vets along all my normal travel routes

with the dogs, so I can find a close vet.



Harnesses, bikejor, skior and sled dog equipment.

I generally go to dog shows and have these people custom fit my running harnesses.

I have been happy with their stuff.


Harnesses, bikejor, skior and sled dog equipment.

I use the tracking harness as well for just walking the dogs and to keep them in place in the car. I have been happy with their stuff.

Alpine Outfitters

Harnesses and a pretty wide selection of other equipment.

People I know who are more serious than I use their harnesses.

They have the classic and new harness designs.

Nooksack Racing Supplies

This is sort of a mushing hardware store. It has a lot of the many different things you may need.

I have conversed with several people that use the bay-o-net attachment to keep

the rope out of the front wheel. People who use it really like this attachment.

DoogyRide Trailers

This is a bike trailer I just bought. I hope it works out. It is less expensive than

a child trailer, but is quite well built. A lot of design thought went into this trailer.

There are other cheaper trailers, but they didn't look as sturdy, and I need sturdy stuff.

Also, there is a stroller conversion kit, great for keeping dogs clean at dog shows.

The dogs seem to be getting used to it and I hope to use it for long isolated runs.

It is the design details on this thing that impress me and make it easier for the dogs to like it.

Hydro Bowls

Simple and sturdy, they are light, they work, are easy to clean and dry quickly.

In my spare time I hike, teach wilderness navigation and bikejor and stuff like that.

I have a tendency to destroy stuff due to rough usage, but never one of these bowls.

They are very easy to clean and amazingly durable.

Seattle Fabrics

If you do outdoor stuff and need to make or modify your own gear, you need this store.

This store is the first step to making your great idea a reality. If this store didn't exist,

it wouldn't be possible for me to make many of the accessories I like.

Recreational Equipment Incorporated

I grew up shopping here more than any other store (except for food).

Not perfect, but they have the largest selection of gear in one place.

They have generic hiking gear. They have Nalgene Cantene bladders for hydration.

I am currently using 96 oz bladders, but smaller ones work for fewer dogs & shorter trips. Just make sure not to overfill the big bladders as they will spring leaks if overfilled and stressed. They have bike stuff, brake pads, lights, computers, tires, tubes, etc.

Other Equipment Links

These are newer links for which I have not personally seen the equipment in action,

but the manfacturers or dealers have pointed them out. I really need to see things working in front of me, so I do not have an informed opinion on these.

Take a look, see what you think.

Dog Powered Scooter

It looks like a scooter with an attachment. Probably stronger than a springer, but I am not sure how the load transfer takes place. If you have one dog, this looks like it would save you the long time required to train the dog. Also training would be easier with it next to you.

On the down side, it looks wide, so narrow, heavily populated bike trails would be out.

This is not a huge problem as running those trails requires vast amounts of training anyway.

Also, I don't know what would happen if I had to get off this scooter, say to deal with a

loose dog. Does the harnessed dog keep the scooter upright? Can the dog move it around?


American Kennel Club


My Dog Likes to Run. I Like to Ride, How to Train Your Dog to Pull You on City Sidewalks and Country Paths

Daphne Lewis

This is the book that got me started.

Winterdance, The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod

Gary Paulsen

A great book. Humorous, but also with a good insight on where this obsession can carry you. This is a book I reread every so often. His first attempt at bikejoring is hysterical and a warning to not try too many dogs at once.

Dog Driver, A Guide for the Serious Musher

Miki and Julie Collins

Even if you aren't a serious musher, this book has lots of tips and valuable insights.

This is a book I pick up and reread parts of frequently.

How to Speak Dog, Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communication

Stanley Coren

A good book on how to interpret dog body language and movement.

Quite valuable when you are trying to judge how dogs are starting to interact.

Skijor With Your Dog

Mari Hoe-Raitto and Carol Kaynor

This book covers everything skijoring.

One thing I would suggest instead of buying an expensive pulk is to buy a

cheap children's tobbagan style sled and modify it.

Vet Manuals

ISDVMA The Musher & Veterinary Handbook

When I got this book I read it carefully, and then made some significant changes

to my training, food & equipment. This book is well worth it because most vets

just don't understand running dogs.

There are tips that can save your dogs lives and make their running safer.

I keep a couple of general vet manuals on hand. They are NOT a substitute for a vet,

and they are not perfect, but they can give you background on what is going on

with your dog. I would strongly suggest looking at the books before buying them.

The organization and emphasis of these books differ a lot.

This is why I have more than one book. Some examples:

Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook

James M Giffin, MD & Liisa D. Carlson, DVM

More detail. This one is more likely to have detailed info on a variety of topics.

Caring for Your Dog

The Complete Canine Home Reference

Bruce Fogle, DVM

More pictures. If you need a picture of what it looks like, there are more pictures in this one.