Overlooked Area Maintenance

By Tony Marchand

Don't neglect these simple areas of maintenance if you want to decrease wear and tear on parts and keep your bike running to it's highest performance.

    • Chain: Clean and oil!!!! A properly cleaned and oiled chain will last longer as will the cassette and chain rings. I clean and oil my chain every 100 to 150 miles. If the roads were wet or muddy, immediately after the ride.

    • Pump your Tires: Keep your tires at the optimum pressure for a smooth ride and the prevention of pinch flats. Most tubes loose about 1 psi per day (some even more) meaning you should pump your tires weekly if not more often.

    • Check your Tires: After each ride, check for cut, rips, abrasions, and wear that suggest replacement. Keep track of your mileage on your tires so you can get an idea of how long they last so, in the future, you can change them BEFORE they become worn.

    • Check the derailleur's cables: Check at the anchor bolt (where the cable runs through the bolt anchoring it to the derailleur). If frayed, replace. Check that the ends of the cables have cable tips that also prevent fraying. A frayed cable can lead to breakage..............................................................................................................................................................................................(Video coming soon)

    • Brake Pads: Check that there are still sufficient groves in the brake pads. If not, replace.........................................................................................................................................(Video coming soon)

    • Loose Parts: Check for loose part. Tighten water bottle cages, anchor bolts, etc. periodically. Use a torque wrench so as not to over tighten and cause damage. Know you torque specification for the bolt and parts.

    • Lubricate Pivot Points: Periodically lubricate Pivot Points to allow optimum movement of derailleurs and brakes....................................................................................................................................

    • Bar Tape: It always a good idea to occasionally replace bar tape. In doing so, one can check for cracks or fissures (especially in carbon fiber) which represents damage and need for replacement.............

    • Seat Post: Prevent seizing in non carbon posts or slippage in carbon posts by removing the post yearly and re-greasing. Always use the proper grease for the component. Carbon fiber grease contains elements that prevent slippage and allow a lower torque to tighten thus preventing cracks or breakage. Other greases will destroy carbon fiber.

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