Part I. The Jews under the Persians, and the Kings of Egypt







B.C. 413-332.

1. AFTER the death of Nehemiah, about B.C. 413, a

thick curtain falls on the history of the Jews till

the accession of Antiochus Epiphanes, b.g. i 75 ^" During

upwards of 230 years, a period as long, to compare it

with modern history, as from the death of Queen Eliza-

beth to the accession of Queen Victoria, the record of

events is of the scantiest description. It appears cer-

tain, however, that Nchemiah was the last of the gover-

nors sent from the court of Persia. Judsea itself was

annexed to the satrapy of Coelesyria, and the admi-

nistration of affairs was entrusted to the high-priest sub-

ject to the control of the Syrian Governor. Thus the

civil and spiritual functions were united in one person,

and the pontifical office became an object of competition

to the different members of the family of Aaron, and

the cause of many violent and disgraceful contests.

As subjects, however, of the Persian kings, the Jews

were pre-eminent for their loyalty and good faith. While

Egypt, Phoenicia, Cyprus, and other dependencies of the

luemcia,, i^ypriis, anu ouiur utjpeuuuii

^ Milman's History of the Jaos, i. 443.

1— S


Persian crown, were frequently the scenes of rebellions,

which were with difficulty suppressed, the Jews remained

steadfast in their allegiance to the " Great King," and

increased rapidly alike in wealth and population.

A single incident distinguishes the uneventful annals

of this period. During the lifetime of Ezra and Nehe-

miah, the high-priest was Eliashib. His successor, Joi-

ada, had two sons, the one Jonathan or Johanan (Neh.

xii. II, 22), the other Joshua. Joshua stood high in the

favour of Bagoses, the general of the Persian army, and

obtained from him the promise of the high-priesthood.

Relying on this assurance, he ventured to quarrel openly

with his brother in the Temple, and fell slain by his

hand within the precincts of the sanctuary itself. So

flagrant a crime roused the indignation of Bagoses.

Advancing to Jerusalem he demanded admittance into

the Temple, and when the Jews would have prevented

his entrance, declared he was less unclean than the

body of the murdered man, and not only polluted the

sanctuary by entering it, but also levied a fine of 50

shekels on every lamb offered in sacrifice during the

next seven years.

Like his father, Johanan also had two sons, Jaddua

(Nell. xii. 1 1) and Manasseh. Jaddua succeeded to the

high-priesthood, B.C. 341, and distinguished himself by

zealously maintaining the Mosaic institutions as restored

by Ezra and Nehemiah. Manasseh, on the other hand,

married the daughter of Sanballat the Horonite^ thus

contracting one of those alliances, against which the

Princes of the Captivity had so energetically protested.

This roused the indignation of the elders in Jerusalem,

and of Jaddua himself, who declared that Manasseh

nuist put away his wife, or be no longer associated in

the priesthood. This the other declined to do, and

^ Jos. Ant. xi. 8. 1. Corap. Article Jerusalem iu Smith's

Bihl. Diet. I. 998, and note.


repaired to his father-in-law in Samaria, who suggested

the building of a temple on Mount Gerizhu, where Ma-

nasseh might continue to exercise his priestly functions.

With the permission of the Persian court, this was ac-

cordingly done, and Manasseh became the first priest of

the Samaritans at their rival sanctuary, being joined

from time to time by those Jews who had been guilty

of criminal offences in their own country, or had any

cause for dissatisfaction^.

Though by these immigrations the Samaritans were

more and more recalled from idolatry, the building of

this temjile tended in no small degree to stimulate the

animosity between the two nations. The Jews affirmed

that sacrifice could only be offered at Jerusalem ; the

Samaritans replied that on Gerizim Joshua had built his

first altar, and that it was the true place of sacrifice.

The controversy thus generated gradually extended,

and produced that intense degree of illwill between the

two peoples, to which there are several allusions in the

New Testament (Lk. ix. 51 — 56; Jn. iv. 9, viii. 48).

During the high-priesthood of Jaddua, the Persian

empire, to which the Jews had so long been faithful,

crumbled to pieces before the armies of Alexander the

Great. Victorious over the Persian forces at the Grani-

cus, B.C. 334, and again at Issus in the following year,

the conqueror captured Damascus, and having taken

Sidon, laid siege to Tyre, b.c. 332. Thence he sent a

message to the high-priest at Jerusalem, demanding the

transference of his allegiance, and auxiliaries and sup-

plies for his army. This Jaddua declared was impossi-

ble, on the ground of his oath of fidelity to the Persian

monarch. Though incensed at this reply, Alexander

delayed to execute his vengeance, till after the reduc-

tion of Tyre, and then set out for the Holy City. Jad-

^ Jos. Ant. XI. 8. 7.


dua and his people were in the utmost consternation.

Sacrifices were oiOfered, prayers were put up to God, and

the Divine aid sought to appease the wrath of the inva-

der. At length the high-priest is said to have been

warned in a dream how to act. He hung the city with

garlands, threw open the gates, and as soon as he was

informed that Alexander drew near, clad in his pontifi-

cal robes, and followed by the priests in their ceremo-

nial attire and the people in white garments, he went

forth to meet him at Sapha, probably Mizpch, the watch-

tower, on the high ridge to the north of the city.

As soon as the Grecian conqueror beheld the

venerable form of the high-priest, he fell prostrate, and

adored the holy Name inscribed in golden letters on

the frontal of his tiara. The Phoenicians and Chal-

dxeans in his retinue, ancient enemies of the Jewish

people, were only awaiting the signal to pillage the city

and j)ut the high-priest to the torture. They could not,

therefore, conceal their astonishment, while the S}Tian

chiefs concluded that the great conqueror had lost his

senses, and Parmenio addressing Mm enquired why he,

whom all the world worshipped, should kneel before the

high-priest. "It is not the high-priest," replied the

other, "whom I worship, but his God, who has honoured

him with the priesthood. In a vision at Dies in Mace-

donia, I saw him arrayed precisely as he now stands,

and when I was debating \\o\w I might obtain the domi-

nion of Asia, he exhorted me to make no delay, but

boldly cross over the sea, for he would conduct my

army, and give me victory over the Persians."

Then taking Jaddua by the right hand, he entered

the city, and repairing to the Temple, offered sacrifice to

God, and paid high honours to the whole priestly body.

The prophecies of DanieP were now read in his hear-

^ Probably Dan. vii. 6; viii. ?>—^, '20, 21, 22 ; xi. 3.


ing, and overjoyed at the prediction there recorded

that a Greek would overthrow the Persian Empire, he

offered the Jews whatever privilege they might select.

Thereupon they requested that the free enjoyment of

their lives and liberties might be secured to them, as

also to their brethren in Media and Babylonia, and that

they might be exempted from tribute during the Sab-

batical years. These privileges the conqueror Avillingly


This famous visit is recorded only by Josephus, and

has been discredited on the ground that it is not men-

tioned by Arrian or Plutarch, Diodorus or Curtius. But

it has been observed that, though probably incorrect in

some of the details, there are several points which con-

firm the truth of the main facts. Thus Curtius himself

relates that, after the capture of Tyre, Alexander visited

some of the cities which refused to submit to him, and

that he personally executed vengeance on the Sama-

ritans \ The Jews, moreover, certainly served in the

army of Alexander, and were located by him in great

numbers in his new city of Alexandria ; while the privi-

leges he is said to have conferred upon them undoubt-

edly existed in later times, and imply some such relation

between them and the great conqueror. Moreover, from

policy or conviction, Alexander delighted to represent

himself as chosen by destiny for the great acts which he

achieved, and his visit to Gordium before the battle of

Issus, and his pilgrimage to the shrine of Jupiter Am-

mon alike illustrate the force of religious feelings in

connection with his campaigns 2.

1 Curtius, IV. 5. 13; IV. 8. 10.

2 See Thirlwall's Greece, vi. 265 ; Kaphall's Eistwy of the

Jews, I. 42 — 50.




B.C. 323-247.

ON the death of Alexander, b.c. 323, the vast emph'o,

which he had won by his arms, was divided amongst

his generals, and Palestine, as a province of Syria, passed

into the possession of Laomedon, while Egypt was as-

signed to Ptolemy Soter. Between these two war soon

broke out, and Ptolemy having conquered Cyrene, cast

longing eyes on the kingdom of Syria, the harbours of

Phoenicia, and the iron and timber, which abounded in

Palestine and amongst the lofty ridges of Libanus and

Anti-Libanus. Accordingly he invaded the realms of

Laomedon, defeated him in a great battle, and gained

possession of all Syria and Phoenicia,

The Jews on this occasion manifested such unwillingf-

ness to violate their engagements to the Syrian king,

that Ptolemy advanced against Jerusalem, and besieged

it with a large army. Entering the city B.C. 320, under

pretence of offering sacrifice on the Sabbath-day, when

the scruples of the inhabitants forbade their offering

any defence, he easily succeeded in capturing it. In-

stead, however, of folloNNing up his victory by an indis-

criminate massacre, he contented himself with trans-

porting a gi'eat number of the inhabitants to Egypt,

where he distributed them as garrisons in different

places, but especially in Alexandria, and conceded to

them equal privileges with the Macedonians themselves.

Eight years afterwards he transported another largo

body of them to Libya and Cyrene, and thus by succes-

sive deportations and voluntary immigrations on the

part of the people themselves, Egypt became an import-

ant centre of Jewish influence.


The king of Egypt, however, was not allowed to re-

main long in undisturbed possession of his prize, and

found it disputed with him by Antigonus, one of the

most turbulent of the successors of Alexander. Twice

the coveted province fell into the hands of his rival,

twice Ptolemy managed to recover it, and it was finally

adjudged to his share after the decisive battle of Ipsus

in Phrygia, B.C. 301.

Meanwliile Jaddua had been succeeded in the high-

priesthood at Jerusalem by his son Onias I., and he

again by Simon the Just, the last of the men of the

''Great Synagogue V' as he was called by the Jews. He

superintended the repair of the sanctuary of the Temple,

surrounded with brass the cistern or " sea " of the prin-

cipal court, fortified the city-walls, and maintained the

sacred ritual with much pomp and ceremony (Eccles. 1.

I — 22). He is also said to have completed the Canon

of the Old Testament, by adding to it the books of Ezra

and Nehemiah, of Chronicles and Esther, as also the

prophecies of Malachi^ He died B.C. 291.

The battle of Ipsus, besides securing to Ptolemy

Soter the dominion of Palestine, Phoenicia, and Coele-

syria, elevated Seleucus to the command of an Empire

greater than any other held by the successors of Alex-

ander. He assumed the title of "king of Syria," and his

^ *'The Great Assembly or Synagogue, whose existence has

been called in question on insufficient grounds, was the great

council of the nation during the Persian period, in which the

last substantive changes were made in the constitution of -

Judaism. It was organized by Ezra, and, as commonly

happens, the work of the whole body was transferred to its

representative member. E;5ra probably formed a collection

of the prophetic writmgs ; and the Assembly gathered together

afterwards (as the Christian Church at a later period in corre-

sponding circumstances) such books as were still left without

the Canon, though proved to bear the stamp of the Spirit of

God." Westcott's Bible in the Church, Appendix A.

^ Prideaux's Connection, I. 545.


domimoii, in the words of the prophet Daniel (Dan. xi.

5), was a great dominion, extending from the EuxiiLe to

the confines of Arabia, and from the Hindokush to the

Mediterranean. His Eastern capital he founded on the

banks of the Tigris, and called Seleucia, after his own

name. For his western metropolis he selected a spot

admirably situated both for military and commercial

purposes^, on the left bank of the river Orontes, just

where " the chain of Lebanon running northwards, and

the chain of Taurus running eastwards, are brought to

an abrupt meeting-." Here he founded a city with

much display in the year B.C. 300, and called it Antioch,

after the name of his father Antiochus, Convinced, like

the Egyptian monarchs, of the loyalty of the Jews, he

began to invite many of them to his new capital and

other cities in Asia Minor, assuring them of the same

privileges which they enjoyed under Ptolemy in Alex-

andria. This invitation was readily embraced by many

of the Jews, who settled down in Antioch, were govern-

ed by their own etlmarch, and were admitted to the

same advantages as the Greeks ^

Ptolemy Philadelphus succeeded his father Ptolemy

^ " By its harbour of Seleucia it was in communication

with all the trade of the Mediterranean ; and through the open

country behind the Lebanon it was conveniently approached'

by the caravans from Mesopotamia and Arabia. It united

the inland advantages of Aleppo with the maritime opportu-

nities of Smyrna." Conybeare and Hov.'^son, Life and Epi-

stles of St Paul, I. 118; Smith's Diet. Gcog. Art. Antiochia.

^ " Few princes have ever lived with so great a passion for

the building of cities as Seleucus. IJe is said to have built in

all 9 Seleucias, 16 Antiochs, and 6 Laodiceas. This love of

commemorating the members of his family was conspicuous

in his works by the Orontes. Besides Seleucia and Antioch,

he built, in the immediate neighbourhood, a Laodicea in ho-

nour of his mother, and an Apamea in honour of his wife.

Convbeare and Howson, I. 119; Merivale, ill. 368.

¦* Jos. Ant. XII. 3. I ; Conlr. Apion. ii. 4.


Soter, B.C. 283. In pursuance of the policy of the pre-

vious reign, he distinguished himself by uniform kind-

ness to the Jewish nation, ransoming many who Iiad

been sold as slaves, and inviting many to settle in Egypt.

A liberal patron of literature and science, he established

a famous library at Alexandria, and spared no pains in

procuring books to be deposited therein. He is also

represented to have caused the Hebrew Scriptures to

be translated into Greek, and thus to have originated

the celebrated Version called the Septuagint, from the

tradition that 72 persons were engaged in the transla-

tion, which obtained a wide circulation, and was exten-

sively read. The same monarch conferred costly pre-

sents on the Temple at Jerusalem, consisting of a table

for the shewbread of marvellous workmanship, cisterns

of gold, bowls, and other vessels for the public and

private use of the priests \




B.C. 247-222.

ON the death of Philadelphus, Ptolemy Euergetes

succeeded to the Egyptian throne. The new king

considerably extended the privileges of the Jews, and

bestowed many presents upon their Temple. During

his reign an incident occurred, which illustrates in a

striking manner at once the condition of Judsea at this

time, and the influence of individual members of the

chosen nation.

On the death of Simon " the Just," his brother Elea-

zar became high-priest b.c. 291. He was succeeded in

^ Jos. Ant. XII, 2. 10.


B.C. 276, not by his own son Onias, but his uncle Ma-

nasseh, the son of Jaddua. At his death, b. c. 250, the

son of Simon, Onias II., became high-priest, but inhe-

rited none of his father's virtues, being distinguished for

nothing but meanness, and an inordinate love of money.

The older he grew, the more avaricious he became, and

neglected from year to year to remit to Ptolemy Euer-

getes the customary tribute of 20 talents of silver. At

length, about B.C. 226, that king sent his commissioner

Athenion to Jerusalem to demand the arrears, and

threatened violence, if his claims were not satisfied.

The Jews were filled with dismay at the too probable

consequences of continued disobedience, but Onias still

persisted in his refusal.

At length his nephew Joseph took upon him the

task of appeasing the royal anger, and having ingratiated

himself with Athenion persuaded him to return to Alex-

andria, and promised that he himself would speedily

follow, and satisfy every demand. Shortly afterwards

he himself set out, and on his way fell in with several

men of distinction belonging to Phoenicia and Coelesyria

who were going up to the Egyptian capital to compete

for the farming of the revenues, which were annually

sold to the highest bidder. Not suspecting a compe-

titor in the Jew, whose slender equipage contrasted

unfavourably with their splendid cavalcade, they unwit-

tingly revealed the amount at which the revenues had

been farmed.

Thereupon Joseph resolved to outbid them, and

in an audience with the king contrived by his clever-

ness and ready address completely to win the royal

favour. When the day for the auction came, the nobles

of Ph(enicia and Coelesyria bid 8000 talents for the

farming of the revenues. But Joseph came forward

and engaged to pay twice that sum, in addition to all

the goods which should be confiscated for neglect of


payment. Thereupon Ptolemy granted his request, and

he became collector of the revenues from Judaea, Sama-

ria, Coelesyria, and Phoenicia, and was furnished with

a guard of 2000 soldiers to extort payment from the


Having liquidated the arrears due from his uncle,

Joseph returned to Palestine to carry out his instruc-

tions. Excited by the disappointed collectors, Askelon

at first refused payment, and treated his demands with

insult. But Joseph was not to be trifled with. He

slew 20 of the chief inhabitants, and sent 1000 talents

of their confiscated property to the king, who highly

commended his determination. A similar instance of

severity at Scythopolis^ put down all further opposi-

tion, and Joseph was at length universally acknow-

ledged as the collector for the Egyptian king, and held

the office upwards of 22 years. He now became the

founder of a family, which vied with that of the high-

priest in power and influence, and became the occasion

of many serious quarrels between them.

The reign of Ptolemy Euergetes came to a sudden

and tragical close. In the year B.C. 222 he was assassi-

nated by his own son Ptolemy IV., who in irony was

called Philopator, the lover of his father. As soon as

he ascended the throne, he murdered his mother Bere-

nice, and his brother Magas, and gave himself up to

luxury and dissipation. Taking advantage of his well-

known effeminacy, Antiochus the Great welcomed the

offer of Theodotus, governor of Coelesyria, to surrender

that province, and after a brief campaign became master

of Phoenicia, Tyre, Ptolemais, Damascus, and the greater

part of Coelesyria. Roused at length from his lethargy,

the Egyptian monarch confronted his rival at Raphia,

1 The Beth-shan of the Old Testament; see Class-BooIc

of Old Testament History, p. 316, and 445 note, 2nd ed.


between Rhinocorura and Gaza, and defeated him with

enormous loss, B.C. 217, tlie same year that Hannibal

was victorious at Thrasymene.

Meanwhile the Jews had remained steadfast in their

allegiance to Ptolemy, and the conqueror visited Jeru-

salem, offered sacrifices according to the Jewish law,

and presented rich gifts to the Temple. Attracted by

the beauty of the building, and the solemnity of the

service, he desired to penetrate into the Holy of Holies.

Simon II., who had succeeded Onias, together with the

priests, entreated him to desist from his purpose, but

this only increased his determination to view the inte-

rior, and he pressed forward, amidst the dismay of the

pontiff and the lamentation of the peojDle, towards the

sanctuary. Here, however, he was seized with a sudden

and supernatural terror, and was carried forth half-dead.

Enraged at this repulse, he retired to A lexandria, and

w reaked his vengeance on the numerous Jews who had

settled there. Some he is said to have put to death,

others he degraded from their high positions and con-

signed to slavery, or reduced to the lowest class of citi-

zens. Thirteen years afterwards, b. c. 204, he died a

victim to his sensual habits, and ¦\vas succeeded by his

son Ptolemy Epiphanes, then pnly five years old.

Meanwhile, since his disastrous defeat at Raphia,

Antiochus had been gradually strengthening his position

in Upper Asia, where he had won his title of "the Great"

by his successes against the Parthians and Bactrians, as

also on the banks of the Indus. Having thus re-esta-

blished the supremacy of the Seleucidce he returned to

Western Asia, to find his old rival dead, and the Egyp-

tian throne in the possession of a child. He instantly

embraced the opportunity of attacking the Egyptian do-

minions, and in concert with Philip III. of Macedon

resolved to avenge the defeat at Raphia. In the cam-

paigns that ensued the Jews suffered severely, and be-


came in turn the prey of each of the contending parties \

In B.C. 203, Antiochus succeeded in taking Jerusalem.

In B.C. 199 it was retaken by Scopas, the general of the

Egyptian forces. Next year Antiochus reappeared in the

field, and at the foot of Mount Panium^, near the sources

of the Jordan, gained a decisive victory over Scopas,

capturing that general himself and the remnant of his

forces, "which had fled for refuge to Sidon.

Wearied of the struggle, and remembering the in-

dignities offered to their sanctuary by Philopator, the

Jews now threw off their subjection to Egypt, welcomed

the conqueror as their deliverer, and furnished supplies

for his army. Antiochus in his turn treated his new

subjects with liberality and kindness. Ho not only

guaranteed to them perfect freedom and protection in

the exercise of their religion, but promised to restore

their city to its ancient splendour, forbade the intrusion

of strangers in their Temple, and contributed largely

towards the regular celebration of its services. At the

same time, imitating the examples of Alexander and Se-

leucus, he issued orders to Zeuxis, the general of his

forces, to remove 2000 Jewish families from Babylon into

Lydia and Phrygia, where they were to be permitted to

use their own laws, to have lands assigned them, and to

be exempted from all tribute for ten years 3.

^ Jos. Ant. XII. 3. 3.

^ One of the branches of the Lebanon, containing a cave

sacred to Pan, whence it derived its name. See below,

p. •SI 8, n.

^ Jos. Ant, XII. 3. 3.