2nd Workshop on Higher Structures in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Physics

February 27th- March 2nd 2023, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla

Venue: Room 43J, Math Lab, 4th floor, Building J "Julio Mario Santo Domingo"

University entrance: Puerta 7


Monday 27

9:30 - 10:30 Gathering at the Math Department
6th floor, Building J. 

10:30 - 11:00 Welcome (43J)

11:00 - 12:00 Alexander Cardona  (3-forms, Poisson structures, Lie Algebroids and Duality)
2:00 - 3:00 Giuseppe de Nittis  (Topology of Topologica Phases)
3:30 - 4:30 Andrés Reyes  (Geometric Phases for Quasi-free  Fermions at Finite Temperature)
4:30 - 5:00 Julián Calderón (Automorphisms of the Clifford Algebras and the Fredholm index)

Salida Malecón del Rio

Tuesday 28

9:30 - 10:30 Cesar Galindo (Quantum Circuit Simulation of Topological Quantum Computers)

11:00-12:00 Juan Gabriel Ramírez (Strongly Correlated Materials for Quantum Technology: Experimental Approac)

12:00- 1:00 Rafael González  (Topological Matter: Computational Calculation)

Free Afternoon

Wednesday 1
9:30 - 10:30 Konrad Waldorf  (Higher Strucures in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Physics)
11:00 - 12:00 Paul Horja  (Mirror Symmetry and Categorical Discriminants)
2:00 - 3:00 Georg Biedermann  (Calculus III:  The Goodwillie (Taylor) Tower
3:30 - 4:30 Leonardo Cano   (A Pedestrian Introduction to Index Theory in Singular Foliations)
4:30 - 5:30 Andrés Vargas  (Poisson Structures and Riemannian Foliations)

Thursday 2
9:30 - 10:30 Mario Velasquez  (Some Computations in Twisted Equivariant K-Theory)
11:00 - 12:00 Clara Aldana   (Isospectral and Quasi-Isospectral Schrödinger Operations)
2:00 - 3:00 Andrés  Angel  (Some Counterexamples in Bordism)
3:30 - 4:15 Danilo Polo   (Interface Currents and Corner States in Magnetic Quarter-Plane Systems)
4:15- 5:00 Diego Romero  (Quantum Error Correction at the Abelian Model)

To share and disseminate the latest developments in the use and applications of higher structures in the different areas of mathematics and physics.  On this occasion we will pay attention to the interplay between topological and geometrical invariants with the classification of crystals in condensed matter physics. 

This is the second workshop on Higher Structures in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Physics to take place in Barranquilla. The first workshop took place in 2019 (see here).

This event is a joint effort of:

Institute of Mathematical Sciences of the Americas IMSA and the IMSAC Consortium

Research groups "Grupo de Investigación Interinstitucional en Geometría y Topología"  and "Grupo de investigación en física aplicada"

Institute partnership between Universidad del Norte, Universidad Nacional de Colombia campus Medellín and Greifswald University, supported by the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation.


Andrés Ángel, Mathematics, Universidad de los Andes
Julián David Calderón Gómez, Mathematics,  Universidad de los Andes
Leonardo Cano, Mathematics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia campus Bogotá
Alexander Cardona, Mathematics, Universidad de los Andes
Giuseppe de Nittis, Mathematics and Physics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
César Galindo, Mathematics, Universidad de los Andes
Richard Paul Horja, Mathematics, University of Miami, USA
Danilo Polo, Mathematics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Juan Gabriel Ramírez, Physics, Universidad de los Andes
Andrés Reyes, Physics, Universidad de los Andes
Diego Arturo Romero Fonseca, Mathematics, Universidad de  los Andes
Cristian David Sarmiento , Mathematics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia  campus Bogotá
Higinio Serrano, Mathematics, CINVESTAV, México
Andrés Vargas,  Mathematics Department, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá
Mario Velásquez,  Mathematics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia  campus Bogotá
Konrad Waldorf, Mathematics, Greifswald University

(*) To be confirmed


Clara Aldana  (Mathematics, Universidad del Norte)
Georg Biedermann (Mathematics, Universidad del Norte)
Rafael Gonzalez (Physics, Universidad del Norte)
Carlos Pinilla (Physics, Universidad del Norte)
Bernardo Uribe  (Mathematics, Universidad del Norte)

2nd Workshop on Higher Structures in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Physics
