
It is certainly not by accident that you have found your way to this website. If you want not only to read about Zen but to practice it, you are invited to sit Zazen (seated meditation) with us.

Our group is connected to the Rochester Zen Center and we practice under the guidance of Sensei Robert Goldmann in the tradition of Roshi Philip Kapleau and his Dharma-heir Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede.

We meet on Monday evenings (6.45 pm – 9.15 pm) at the Buddhistische Gesellschaft Berlin and sit three 35-minute rounds of Zazen together followed by chanting.

Regular Zazenkai (all-day-sittings) are arranged regularly and include Teisho (Dharma Talk) and dokusan (personal interview). We also organize Sesshin (intensive 7-day-retreats) in the Berlin area.