What's flying tonight

Try the “What’s flying tonight” app to help you narrow down the species you are likely to find at any particular location and date, complete with photos - this can really speed up the moth identification learning curve! The app has been developed by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in partnership with Butterfly Conservation and based on data from the National Moth Recording Scheme.

For Berkshire you can download our "Moths by month" document, which lists the moths most likely to be seen each month through the year, and gives a link to the photos and further information at UKmoths.

See also our Common moths through the year - an attempt to show the moths you are most likely to find in your moth-trap in order of when you will see them!

Try out these other sites as well - although most are some distance away from Berkshire, their lists still have a lot in common with ours for the commoner species at least, and provide lots of useful information:

Macro-moths recorded in Berkshire in each month

generated using Wordle (Jan-Mar) and Tagzedo (April)

(click on images to enlarge text; size of font is proportional to number of records for each species)




Macro-moths in February in Berkshire
