Absent from Class


Follow these instructions:

  1. Come here and choose a workout below to complete OR choose your own. **Choose a workout that you are capable of doing dependent on your health (Low Intensity like Yoga or Stretching is good for when you are feeling sick for example).

  2. The workout must last at least 30 minutes…. Do multiple if needed.

  3. Complete the workout

  4. Fill out this Absence Form

  5. Make sure you repeat the steps above for any absence this year. You will be getting an absence grade at the end of each unit.

a. If you do not have any absences you will be excused from the absence grade.

b. If you have all absences made up by submitting a absence form for each day missed you will be excused from the grade.

c. If you have an absence that is not made up using the form above, then your grade will be a zero for the absence grade.

Please see Mr. Benson if you receive a zero for an absence grade at the end of any unit this year.

Low Intensity:





Take a Warm Bath Cook some healthy food

Take a Nap Read a Book You Enjoy

Listen to Music Guided Visualization