
Updated lists of publications and stats:

HAL referenced publications

Researchgate account

French Habilitation

"Analyse automatique d'images, de l'expert à l'apprenti", "Automatic image analysis, from the expert to the apprentice", defended on dec. 2019


Mr. Mihai Datcu, Chair, DLR, German Aerospace Center, Germany

Mrs Jenny Benois-Pineau, LABRI

Frédéric Jurie, GREYC

Christophe Garcia, LIRIS

Patrick Lambert, LISTIC

Georges Oppenheim, LAMA

PhD thesis

"The human visual system as a complete solution for image processing". [pdf] (text in French), defended on 14 feb, 2007.

Committee audience

M. Pierre-Yves COULON , Chair, Gipsa-Lab

M. Patrick BOUTHEMY , examiner, IRISA

M. Dominique BARBA , examiner, IRCCYN Lab

M. Jean-Philippe THIRAN , examiner, EPFL

M. Alice CAPLIER , supervisor, Gipsa-Lab

Alexandre BENOIT, Professor on computer Science

Image&video analysis, retina & cortex models, bio-inspired algorithm.

LISTIC Lab. Annecy le Vieux, FRANCE