HDR imaging

Here are some samples of tone mapping results using the proposed method. Note that input pictures (not shown here) are the property of : Debevec, OpenEXR and Fairchild.

We present results obtained with the default values of the proposed method. To make comparison with other well known tone mapping operators, please use QtpfsGUI and use the default values of the chosen algorithm in order to follow the same principle.

In these samples, the original HDR image is shown (its luminance is linearly compressed between 0 and 255) on the left or on top of its tone mapped version. I will add simple gamma correction as soon as possible.

Please note that all the results presented here do not include any post processing such as histogram clipping. More contrasted results are obtained with such post-processing but we present here raw results only. This option will also be made available on the demonstration for the upcoming next version.

Video processing

Here is an example of video tone mapping. Thank to Grzegorz Krawczyk from MPI Informatik who made us his content available.


Alexandre BENOIT, Assistant Professor

Image&video analysis, retina & cortex models, bio-inspired algorithm.

LISTIC Lab. Annecy le Vieux, FRANCE