Feedback Policy & Procedures


We collect feedback from individuals and organisations on a regular basis to help us plan improvements. We collect Feedback throughout the year after speaking with people, and through our annual Feedback Survey. Feedback may be provided by email, web foms, telephone, post or face-to-face in groups. Groups or individual interviews will be set up to get detailed feedback on specific issues.

Feedback Procedure for begin services

How you can give us feedback:

· We welcome comments, compliments, suggestions or queries at any time by letter, email, phone or meeting. If you want a meeting, please contact:

Fiona Vale - Service Manage

begin, Nottingham College City (Adams), Room D107

Adams Building, Stoney Street,

The Lace Market,

Nottingham, NG1 1NG

Tel: 0115 978 0942 Email:

· Feedback can be sent to begin anonymously although this means we will not be able to respond to negative feedback in this case.

How we collect feedback and what we do with it

We record feedback on our standard forms and review responses at team meetings. We also collate Feedback annually to identify trends and issues.

We are committed to improving services continuously. We will use the feedback:

· To feed issues into our team meetings to shape project developments

· To make immediate improvements if necessary

· To analyse trends and use emerging issues to plan for long-term improvements, eg, staff training and resource issues.


All feedback will be treated in confidence within the team. Permission will be sought to record information against a person’s name. A person’s name will not be used when discussing feedback with another organisations unless prior permission is given, eg, in the case of negative feedback or a complaint.