publications & Talks


a complete list of my arXiv preprints can be found here: [preprints on arXiv]

Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions

  • One- and two-qubit gate infidelities due to motional errors in trapped ions and electrons. R. T. Sutherland, Q. Yu, K. M. Beck, H. Haeffner. Phys. Rev. A 105, 022437 (2022) [Full text at PRA] [arxiv/2111.01913]

  • Feasibility study of quantum computing using trapped electrons. Q. Yu, A. M. Alonso, J. Caminiti, K. M. Beck, R. T. Sutherland, D. Leibfried, K. J. Rodriguez, M. Dhital, B. Hemmerling, H. Häffner. Phys. Rev. A 105, 022420 (2022) [Full text at PRA] [arxiv/2112.04034]

  • Generalized Hamiltonian to describe imperfections in ion-light interaction. M. Li, K. Wright, N. C. Pisenti, K. M. Beck, J. H. V. Nguyen, and Y. Nam. Phys. Rev. A 102, 062616 (2020 [Full text at PRA] [arxiv/2009.13681]

  • Efficient sideband cooling protocol for long trapped-ion chains. J.-S. Chen, K. Wright, N. C. Pisenti, D. Murphy, K. M. Beck, K. Landsman, J. M. Amini and Y. Nam. Phys. Rev. A 102, 043110 (2020) [Full text at PRA] [arxiv/2002.04133]

  • Efficient Arbitrary Simultaneously Entangling Gates on a trapped-ion quantum computer. N. Grzesiak, R. Blümel, K. Beck, K. Wright, V. Chaplin, J. M. Amini, N. C. Pisenti, S. Debnath, J.-S. Chen and Y. Nam. Nature Communications 11, 2963 (2020) [Full text at Nature Communications] [arxiv/1905.09294]

  • Benchmarking an 11-qubit quantum computer. K. Wright, K. M. Beck, S. Debnath, J. M. Amini, Y. Nam, N. Grzesiak, J. -S. Chen, N. C. Pisenti, M. Chmielewski, C. Collins, K. M. Hudek, J. Mizrahi, J. D. Wong-Campos, S. Allen, J. Apisdorf, P. Solomon, M. Williams, A. M. Ducore, A. Blinov, S. M. Kreikemeier, V. Chaplin, M. Keesan, C. Monroe and J. Kim. Nature Communications 10, 5464 (2019) [Full text at Nature Communications] [arXiv/1903.08181]

  • Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer. Yunseong Nam, Jwo-Sy Chen, Neal C. Pisenti, Kenneth Wright, Conor Delaney, Dmitri Maslov, Kenneth R. Brown, Stewart Allen, Jason M. Amini, Joel Apisdorf, Kristin M. Beck, Aleksey Blinov, Vandiver Chaplin, Mika Chmielewski, Coleman Collins, Shantanu Debnath, Andrew M. Ducore, Kai M. Hudek, Matthew Keesan, Sarah M. Kreikemeier, Jonathan Mizrahi, Phil Solomon, Mike Williams, Jaime David Wong-Campos, Christopher Monroe and Jungsang Kim. npj Quantum Information 6, 33 (2020) [Full text at npj QI] [arXiv/1902.10171]

  • One-dimensional array of ion chains coupled to an optical cavity. Marko Cetina, Alexei Bylinskii, Leon Karpa, Dorian Gangloff, Kristin M Beck, Yufei Ge, Matthias Scholz, Andrew T Grier, Isaac Chuang and Vladan Vuletic. New J. Phys. 15 053001 (2013) [Full text (free) at New Journal of Physics] [arXiv/1302.2904]

Atom-Light Interactions in Cavities

  • Heralded Interaction Control between Quantum Systems. Yiheng Duan, Mahdi Hosseini, Kristin M. Beck, Vladan Vuletić. PRL 124, 223602 (2020) [Full text at PRL][arxiv/1909.12826]

  • Cavity cooling of many atoms. Mahdi Hosseini, Yiheng Duan, Kristin M. Beck, Yu-Ting Chen, and Vladan Vuletić. PRL 118, 183601 (2017) [Full text at PRL][arxiv/1701.01226]

    • A synopsis of this article appeared in Physics [Full text]

  • Large conditional single-photon cross-phase modulation. Kristin M. Beck, Mahdi Hosseini, Yiheng Duan, and Vladan Vuletic. PNAS 113 (35), 9740-9744 (2016) [Full text at PNAS][arXiv/1512.02166]

  • Partially Nondestructive Continuous Detection of Individual Traveling Optical Photons. Mahdi Hosseini, Kristin M. Beck, Yiheng Duan, Wenlan Chen and Vladan Vuletic.PRL 116, 033602 (2016) [Full text at PRL] [arXiv/1511.00559]

  • Cross Modulation of Two Laser Beams at the Individual-Photon Level. Kristin M. Beck, Wenlan Chen, Qian Lin, Michael Gullans, Mikhail D. Lukin and Vladan Vuletic. PRL113, 113603 (2014) [Full text at PRL]

  • All-Optical Switch and Transistor Gated by One Stored Photon. Wenlan Chen, Kristin M. Beck, Robert Bücker, Michael Gullans, Mikhail D. Lukin, Haruka Tanji-Suzuki and Vladan Vuletic. Science 341, 768-770 (2013) [Full text at Science] [arXiv/1401.3194]

    • Jurgen Volz and Arno Rauschenbeutel wrote a Science Perspectives summary of this work entitled "Triggering an Optical Transistor with One Photon" [Full text at Science]

  • Reduction of the radiative decay of atomic coherence in squeezed vacuum. K. W. Murch, S. J. Weber, K. M. Beck, Eran Ginossar and I. Siddiqi. Nature 499, 62-25 (2013) [Full text at Nature] [arXiv/1301.6276]

Optical Clocks

  • Sr Lattice Clock at 1x10-16 Fractional Uncertainty by Remote Optical Evaluation with a Ca Clock. A. D. Ludlow, T. Zelevinsky, G. K. Campbell, S. Blatt, M. M. Boyd, M. H. G. de Miranda, M. J. Martin, J. W. Thomsen, S. M. Foreman, Jun Ye, T. M. Fortier, J. E. Stalnaker, S. A. Diddams, Y. Le Coq, Z. W. Barber, N. Poli, N. D. Lemke, K. M. Beck and C. W. Oates Science 319, 5871 (2008) [Link to Abstract] [Full Text from NIST] [arXiv preprint]

    • Dan Kleppner wrote a Science Perspectives summary of this work entitled "A Milestone in Timekeeping" [Full text at Science]

Selected talks

  • Department of Physics Colloquium, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO "Prototyping a Quantum Computer with Trapped Ions" (4/11/2018) Invited

  • Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at Georgetown, Washington, DC (1/14/2018) Invited, Outreach

  • University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, "Prototyping a Quantum Computer with Trapped Ions" (1/11/2018) Invited

  • Institute of Optics Colloquium, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY "Quantum Computing in the Trapped Ion Playground" (11/6/2017) Invited

  • Quantum Innovators Workshop, Waterloo, ON, Canada "Booting up a Universal Ion-trap Quantum Computing System" (10/2017) Invited

  • APS DAMOP Meeting, Sacramento, CA "Development of a Phonon Toolbox on a Surface Electrode Trap" (6/2017)

  • JQI-QuICS-CMTC Seminar, College Park, MD "Cavity Cooling of Many Atoms" (2/2017)

  • Atomic and Molecular Optics Seminar, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY "Changing Phase with Just One Photon" (4/2016) Invited


  • A Photon-Photon Interface with an Atomic Ensemble in an Optical Cavity (June 2016)

  • A Raman Laser System for Ultracold Potassium Atoms (July 2010) [Group Page] [Full Text (14MB)]