
My blog, occasionally updated with sewing and cooking projects, as well as an archive of the summer I spent at CERN in 2008 and my travels during the year I spent in Cambridge, England (2009-10): []

A QIS- and NPR- themed quiz show that I wrote for the IQuISE kickoff in 2013 and 2014:

In December 2010, while I was working with the ytterbium ion array trap lab in the Vuletic Group, we put together a movie that demonstrated the control the system has over ion positioning. I 'choreographed' a dance number for the ions by programming a sequence of voltages for electrodes in the trap that holds the ions.

You can view the movie online here: [Ion Dance Movie].

Jeff and I recorded two carillon duets on the Hopeman Memorial Carillon on April 17, 2008. You can find them on YouTube, linked from here: [Gautier, Le Secret] [Bizet, L'Arlesienne Suite No. 1]