Words from the Prez, October 2015

Post date: Oct 21, 2015 10:52:25 PM

I almost forgot to take a “break” over Fall Break. I spent hours doing lesson plans, looking over recent assessment data and regrouping my students, making changes and adjustments to the physical space in my room, and organizing several “piles” that have been glaring at me since August. I caught up on laundry, did some deep cleaning, grocery shopped, cooked and froze several meals, and bagged a ton of leaves. On Sunday night, I finally stopped long enough to go on a long walk with my seven year old and my parents. I “needed” to do a few more things at school, but I felt guilty for always being so busy with work so I relented and went. It was a beautiful night. The temperature was perfect, the leaves were crunching under our feet, the air was fresh, and the sunset was amazing. I enjoyed the conversation with my parents and watching Nora run and play and collect “treasures” from nature. To think I almost missed that to spend a few more hours at work is pretty disheartening. 

Sadly, I think it is something that many of us do far too often. There is ALWAYS more to do at school and it is easy to let things get out of balance! So, I’m making a very conscious effort to find a better balance for the rest of the school year. I’m going to say “no” to all the pressing things at school sometimes and I encourage you to do the same.

I hope you all found some time to rest and relax during the break!

Heather Boyle

BEA President