BEA Constitution



(printable Docs version)


Section 1: The name of the organization shall be "The Bartlesville Education Association," herein after referred to as BEA.

ARTICLE II: Affiliation

Section 1: This association shall be affiliated with the Oklahoma Education Association (OEA) and the National Education Association (NEA), thus forming the United Teaching Profession (UTP).


Section 1: The aim of this association shall be to strive constantly for the improvement of Bartlesville Public Schools and to foster common goals and a spirit of fellowship among educators of Bartlesville.

Section 2: The BEA shall promote the general welfare of the educators by securing and maintaining adequate salaries and fringe benefits and a working environment conducive to teaching.

Section 3: The BEA shall promote the general welfare of the students by securing and maintaining a quality curriculum and an environment conducive to learning.

Section 4: The BEA shall provide a means by which:

A. Teachers may aid in formulating policies that govern the Bartlesville Public Schools.

B. Educators may study concerns.

C. Educators may develop and sponsor programs that will encourage community understanding, interest in, and support for all levels of education in the Bartlesville Public Schools.      

ARTICLE IV: Membership

Section 1: Active membership in the BEA shall be available to all certified and classified personnel upon payment of UTP dues, without regard to race, sex, creed, national origin, or religion.

Section 2: Membership shall be continuous unless terminated by due process guidelines.

Section 3: Membership shall be open to all qualified personnel during their employment with the Bartlesville School system.

Section 4: Membership shall be composed of six (6) sections, each of which may meet as a section governed by its own constitution:

A. The section of classroom teachers shall be composed of those educators whose responsibility is the direct instruction of students.

B. The section of administrators shall be composed of those educators whose responsibility is the direction of the school system or some part thereof.

C. The section of the special service educators shall be composed of those contract certified educators whose responsibility is neither that of A. or B. above.

D. The section of classified personnel shall be composed of those employees who serve as an auxiliary group to the schools.

E. The section of retired members shall be composed of those individuals who have held an active membership in the UTP prior to retirement.

F. The section of associate members shall consist of any person interested in advancing the cause of education but who is not eligible for any other section listed above.

Section 5: This affiliate shall provide proportionate representation of the members between the classroom teachers, administrators, and support personnel.

ARTICLE V: Officers

Section 1: The executive officers of the BEA shall be Co-President 1, Co-President 2, Vice President, Secretary/Media Specialist, Treasurer, Legislative Contact, Chief Negotiator, Member Rights Contact, Delegate(s) to OEA Delegate Assembly, Delegate(s) to the NEA Representative Assembly (as necessary), New Educator Representative, and Webmaster.

Section 2: All officers shall be members in good standing in the UTP.

ARTICLE VI: Nominations and Elections

Section 1: The BEA Officers Council shall conduct, through secret ballot, when appropriate, the election of officers. Elections for the following school year will be held prior to April 15.

Section 2: To ensure open nominations, nominations and filing for each office shall be opened in February for a period of at least two weeks with all names being submitted, in writing, to the BEA Officers Council at their March meeting. The list of nominees for each office will be read during the March meeting of the BEA Executive Committee, where further nominations may be made from the floor.

Section 3: The Officers Council shall have the power to make all necessary decisions for carrying out the elections.

Section 4: Members representing minority groups will be encouraged to seek leadership positions in the BEA and to be active participants in its professional activities.

ARTICLE VII: Terms of Office

Section 1: The terms of the elected officers of the BEA shall be one (1) year with the exception of the Co-Presidents, who shall serve a two-year (but not consecutively) term. Installation of all officers of the BEA shall be held at the last meeting of the school year, at which time they shall assume their duties. The BEA shall reimburse the Co-Presidents and Vice President the amount of his/her UTP dues in May of each year. The BEA shall reimburse the Chief Negotiator’s UTP dues upon ratification of the negotiated agreement. The BEA shall reimburse the treasurer, and secretary/media specialist half the amount of his/her UTP dues in May of each year when funds are available.

ARTICLE VIII: Duties of Officers

Section 1: Duties of the Co-Presidents:

A. The Presidents shall be the Chief Executive Officers of the BEA and its policy leaders.

B. The Presidents shall preside at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

C. The Presidents shall appoint chairs of the standing committees.

D. The Presidents shall serve as a delegates to the OEA Delegate Assembly.

E. The Presidents may attend all committee meetings.

F. The Presidents shall serve on the Negotiating Team.

G. The Co-President 2 shall serve as a delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly.

H. Co-Presidents shall serve a two-year office, not consecutively. Co-President 1 will be the lead.

I. Co-President 2 shall serve as president in the event that Co-President 1 is unable to serve.

J. Co-President 2 shall serve as a delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly.

Section 2: Duties of the Vice President:

A. The Vice President shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. In the absence of the Co-President 1 and Co-President 2, the Vice-President shall preside and perform all duties of the office of President.

C. In the event the Co-President 2 is unable to serve, the Vice President shall succeed him/her with all the responsibilities subscribed thereto.

D. The Vice President shall serve as an alternate to the President to the OEA Delegate Assembly.

E. The Vice President shall be in charge of the membership drive of the UTP, and shall submit a report of the election of local officers and local retirees to the OEA.

F. The Vice President shall initiate the nominations committee and serve on committee as advisor.

Section 3: Duties of the Secretary/Media Specialist:

A. The Secretary/Media Specialist shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. The Secretary/Media Specialist shall keep minutes of each meeting and shall have these minutes prepared and available to any member upon request.

C. The Secretary/Media Specialist shall keep a list of all members, all committee members, and record reports made by committee chairmen.

D. The Secretary/Media Specialist shall serve as an alternate to the President-Elect for the OEA Delegate Assembly.

E. The Secretary/Media Specialist shall be available for consultation, transcription and caucus with the Negotiating Team.

F. The Secretary/Media Specialist shall make meeting notices to all membership and keep membership informed of all activities.

G. The Secretary/Media Specialist shall produce press releases as directed by the Co-President(s).

Section 6: Duties of the Treasurer:

A. The Treasurer shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. The Treasurer shall be in charge of all funds of the BEA. The funds of the BEA shall consist of the annual dues, the OEA refund, and other funds as acquired.

C. The Treasurer shall pay bills incurred and approved by the BEA.

D. The Treasurer shall make a monthly report to the BEA.

E. The accounts of the BEA shall be subject to a yearly audit by an auditor appointed by the Officers Council.

F. The Treasurer shall serve as an alternate for the Immediate Past President to the OEA Delegate Assembly.

G. The Treasurer shall be available for consultation and caucus with the Negotiating Team.

Section 7: Duties of the Legislative Contact:

A. The Legislative Contact shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. The Legislative Contact shall be the direct contact to legislators on behalf of the membership.

C. The Legislative Contact shall be responsible for distributing pertinent legislative information to members.

D. The Legislative Contact shall be available for consultation and caucus with the Negotiating Team.

E. The Legislative Contact shall serve as an alternate to the OEA Delegate Assembly.

Section 8: Duties of the OEA Delegates:

In addition to officers who serve as delegates to the OEA Delegate Assembly, the appropriate number of delegates shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.

A. A majority of the delegates to the OEA Delegate Assembly shall be classroom teachers.

B. Delegates shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

C. The BEA shall have the authority to remove any OEA delegate from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership.

D. In the event an OEA Delegate is also a BEA officer whose responsibility it is to serve as an OEA Delegate Assembly alternate, a temporary alternate for the officer will be elected by the membership to serve for that one year.

E. The OEA Delegates shall be available for consultation and caucus with the Negotiating Team.

Section 9: Duties of the NEA Delegate(s):

In addition to officer who serves as a delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly, the appropriate number of delegates shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.

A. Delegates shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. Delegates shall attend the NEA Representative Assembly the year following their election to this office.

C. Additional NEA Delegates or alternates may be elected by special election of the membership if necessary.

D. The NEA Delegates shall be available for consultation and caucus with the Negotiating Team.

Section 10: Duties of the Chief Negotiator:

A. The Chief Negotiator shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. The Chief Negotiator shall serve on the Negotiating Team.

C. The Chief Negotiator shall schedule and preside at all meetings of the BEA Negotiating Team.

Section 11: Duties of the Member Rights Contact:

A. The Member Rights Contact shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. The Member Rights Contact shall serve as the primary contact for individuals processing grievances.

C. The Member Rights Contact shall serve as the primary contact for the Association to process grievances.

D. The Member Rights Contact shall be available for consultation and caucus with the Negotiating Team.

Section 12: Duties of the New Educator Representative:

A. The New Educator Representative shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. The New Educator Representative shall be in contact with all new educators (< 7 years experience) within the district, including non-members.

C. The New Educator Representative shall be in contact with the OEA’s New Educator Network (NEON) and relay information to BEA’s membership.

Section 13: Duties of the Webmaster:

A. The Webmaster shall be present at all general meetings of the BEA, Executive Committee, and Officers Council.

B. The Webmaster shall keep the BEA website updated as necessary and/or at the direction of the Co-Presidents, Vice President or Secretary/Media Specialist.

ARTICLE IX: Financial Accounts

Section 1: All banking shall be conducted with a federally insured financial institution.

A. All checks against this account may be signed by either the Treasurer or the President of the BEA.

B. Upon the obtaining of a credit or debit card, the Treasurer or the President of the BEA shall conduct any and all transactions.

C. The Treasurer shall be entrusted with possession of stated credit or debit card when not in use.

Section 2: The movement of financial accounts shall be approved by the Officers Council and Building Representatives.

A. The Treasurer or President of the BEA shall have the right to open or close an account upon the approval of the building representative members.

B. Approval of a change in location of financial accounts will be documented in the minutes.

ARTICLE X: The Officers Council

Section 1: The Officers Council shall consist of those positions as listed in Article V. It shall be their responsibility to set the direction for the priorities of the year, plan in achieving goals of the organization, as set forth in Article III and plan meetings to institute OEA and NEA programs. The Officers Council shall meet once each month and at other times designated by the President.

Section 2: The Officers Council shall administer the BEA Benevolent Fund.

A. Cards shall be sent to members upon the death of a close family member when funds are available.

B. Flowers shall be sent to members upon the death of a spouse or child when funds are available.

ARTICLE XI: Vacancies

Section 1: In case of a vacancy, the office shall be filled by the Officers Council, with exception of the President and President-Elect Co-Presidents.

Section 2: In the event the office of the Co-President 1 President becomes vacant, Co-President 2 shall assume the duties of the President. In the event that both the offices of Co-Presidents become vacant, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President. At that time, nominations will immediately be opened for a period of two (2) weeks and elections held, by secret ballot, through the Executive Committee. There shall be no more than thirty (30) days from the occurrence of the vacancy to the announcement of the new officer(s).

Section 3: Any Officers Council member or Building Representative failing to attend three (3) consecutive Executive Committee or Officers Council meetings may be replaced by the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE XII: The Negotiating Team

Section 1: The Negotiating Team shall consist of six (6) members and three (3) alternates. The BEA Co-Presidents, President-Elect, Chief Negotiator, and Immediate Past President Secretary/Media Specialist shall serve as four (4) of the team members. The other two (2) members and three (3) alternates will represent a cross section of the BEA membership.

Section 2: The two (2) Negotiating Team members who are not Officers Council members shall serve for two (2) consecutive year terms; the three (3) alternates shall serve a one (1) year term only.

Section 3: The Officers Council shall select the Negotiating Team members.

ARTICLE XIII: Executive Committee

Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be the legislative and policy forming body of the BEA. It shall establish BEA policy, priorities, and goals. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers Council and each Building Representative.

Section 2: Each building shall be entitled to at least one Representative. Each representative may have an alternate. Every effort shall be made to achieve ethnic representation on the Executive Committee in proportion to the membership.

Section 3: Election of Building Representatives and alternates shall be held during the spring of each year. The active Building Representative is to conduct the election by accepting nominations and balloting each member at that building.

Section 4: Duties and powers:

A. The Executive Committee shall have the duty, responsibility, and authority to conduct the activities of the BEA.

B. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the business of the organization and authorize the expenditure of money.

C. The Executive Committee shall have the power to amend the Constitution as prescribed in Article XVI of this document.

D. Duties and powers not delegated to the Officers Council, the officers, or other groups in the BEA shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

E. It is the responsibility of the Building Representatives to report business transacted by the Executive Committee to BEA members at their respective buildings.


Section 1: Retirees of UTP shall be able to serve on BEA committees as ex-officio members. They shall be represented at the representative meetings.

ARTICLE XV: Committees

Section 1: The BEA shall have committees as necessary for the transaction of business. The BEA President shall appoint chairs of committees.

Section 2: There shall be an Officers Council member on each Committee. These Committees may include, but are not limited to the following:

A. The Legislative Committee shall keep members informed concerning legislative matters; establish and maintain good relations with Congressmen, local and state officials; and encourage all members to become politically active.

B. The Faculty Communications Committee shall keep the faculty apprised of any pertinent information concerning policy changes, concerns, and needs as they arise.

C. The Community Relations Committee shall keep the public alerted to the problems, programs, and purposes of the school system and of the teaching profession.

D. The Professional Growth and Ethics Committee shall arrange for the study of the NEA Code of Ethics, promote attendance at professional meetings, and study items to be negotiated.

E. The Constitution Committee shall keep the Constitution revised to meet the needs and growth of the BEA.

F. The Scholarship Committee shall determine criteria, distribute applications, and select the recipients of the BEA Scholarship.


Section 1: This affiliate will hold at least two general meetings for the membership each year.

ARTICLE XVII: Rules for Amending the BEA Constitution

Section 1: The BEA President shall appoint a constitution committee when needed to amend the constitution.

Section 2: Any proposed amendment to this Constitution shall be presented, in writing, to the Officers Council at any regular meeting of the Council.

Section 3: A copy of the proposed amendment(s), together with the recommendation of the officers Council, shall be sent to each school thirty (30) days prior to being submitted for a vote by the Executive Committee.

Section 4: The Executive Committee shall vote on all Constitutional amendments and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those Building Representatives present for such changes.

Section 5: The adoption of this constitution nullifies all previous Constitutions or by-laws of the BEA.