Words from the Prez, October 2009

Post date: Nov 7, 2009 12:47:08 PM

One of the hot issues currently on a lot of people’s minds is the recent rise in insurance co-pay. Becky Felts, our OEA President, is working hard to voice our concerns to Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland. An article in the OEA Legislative update states that “The legislature is the only body that has the ability to help make health insurance more affordable to school employees.” Therefore, we must call and write our legislators to let them know our concerns about the co-pay rise. There is a tool on the OEA website that can assist. It is the “Find your Federal and State Legislators” section of the OEA Legislative Update. Here you can let your voice be heard by using the Action Alert and “Take Action” on rising insurance costs. For more details on this issue and to keep updated on other issues OEA is addressing, go on-line to the OEA webpage.

We have many new members to our organization. Please be sure and welcome them and answer any questions they may have. Also, if you know anyone who is interested in becoming a member please direct them to your building representative or have them contact me. Remember, together we can make a difference.
