Words from the Prez, May 2016

Post date: May 12, 2016 9:59:08 AM

As I sit here, it dawns on me that this is my last message to you. Where has the year gone? In a few short days the long anticipated summer break will commence. I am so proud and privileged to have served as your president this year. I’m thankful for all the wonderful members that were willing to step up and help out when help was needed. It was a pleasure to work with a great team of officers so dedicated to the BEA.

On April 22, Megan Hoelting, Rachel Hough, and I attended the OEA Delegate Assembly in Oklahoma City. It was great to collaborate with other local leaders from around the state as well as the OEA staff members. It was an honor to pick up an OEA Golden Apple for Judy Allen’s work on our BEA Line and to be recognized as a 5 Star Local. Please join me at our last meeting of the year on May 18th. 

Heather Boyle

BEA President

2016 5 Star Local Award