Words from the Prez, May 2015

Post date: May 5, 2015 2:03:34 PM

I can’t believe that it is already May! Soon school will be out for the summer and it will be time to take a relaxing break.

It is with mixed feelings that I write my last letter as the President of the Bartlesville Education Association. I am so proud and privileged to have served as your president for the last two years, and humbled that we have so many members that are willing to step up and help out when help is needed.

Last week, myself and three other BEA members, attended the delegate assembly in MidWest City. Something happened that to my knowledge has never happened before at a delegate

assembly. The state superintendent of public education, Joy Hofmeister, spoke to the delegates of the Oklahoma Education Association. She was upbeat, supportive and seemed to understand what Oklahoma educators need to be successful in the classroom. She is trying to do away with EOI’s and other state testing. Listening to her speech gave me hope that someone is actually listening to educators and not turning their backs on us.

Again, I am so blessed and fortunate to work with the wonderful educators in our district and to have been able to serve as your president for three terms. Have a great May and a

wonderful summer break!

Kelli Bryant

BEA President