Words from the Prez, March 2015

Post date: Mar 12, 2015 3:52:40 PM

Can you believe that it is already March? This winter has flown by and it has been such an unusually warm winter. With spring comes the end of school activities and planning for the next year. We are looking forward to gathering ideas for next year’s negotiations team. If

you have any ideas please email me and let me, Granger Meador or any officer know your thoughts or concerns.

There are many educational bills that are in legislative session. These bills have a direct impact on our students’ educations and our jobs. Please stay informed and contact your local legislator to give your opinion. To see the current status of bills that have to do with education follow this link and use your BEA/OEA membership card to register

and then login. Be sure to email your representatives from your home email, be professional and courteous, but voice your opinion about how these bills will affect education and teacher morale. 

Also, if you want your voice to be heard in person, you may use your personal day to attend the educational rally on March 30. 

The last item I want to address is the fact that we are having a hard time getting members to get involved in our association.  I have served as president for three terms, not because I did an amazingly fabulous job, but because no one wanted to step in and be an officer. There are many reasons that people don’t want to serve. The reasons range from, not knowing about BEA or what we do, not enough time, or I don’t want to get involved. While all of these are very valid reasons, it makes me think back in history to what our country would be like if our forefathers such as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln had used those words. We are only as strong as our membership or the involvement of our members. Please consider coming to our monthly meetings or some of the special events that we have for our members.

I hope you have a wonderful and restful spring break!

Kelli Bryant

BEA President