Words from the Prez, January 2014

Post date: Jan 27, 2014 8:57:25 PM

Happy New Year!  


I’d like to ask you to resolve this year to find some time to play a more active role in your professional organization. 

I know everyone is busy, so I have a number of options for you to consider: 

•           Become an officer in the BEA – we are currently functioning without a President-Elect and we need to put together next year’s slate of officers before the March Representative meeting.

•           Volunteer to represent your building – BEA building reps meet once a month and share information with members in their building.  

•           Attend a monthly BEA building rep meeting – Any member can attend and we meet each month in a different school - we’ll be at Wayside January 22nd.

•           Volunteer to serve on a committee – We need a pool of volunteers for a variety of committees during the year, including negotiations.

•           Attend an OEA Zone meeting, Advocacy Conference, or Leadership Conference – Information regarding locations, dates, and times is posted in the BEA Line.

We have personal business leave, sick leave, and the right to negotiate for salary and working conditions because of the efforts of educators in the past.  Please consider making a contribution for educators in the future.  Please let me know how you’d like to invest your time!

Cheryl Fentress                                                              BEA President