Words from the Prez, January 2010

Post date: Jan 15, 2010 11:17:19 AM

I hope everyone had a great break. It is time to start again all refreshed and ready. The bad weather days have been two-sided. Good to have the extra days to finish up holiday doings, but bad to interrupt our new term and keep us from getting back into a regular routine.

I want to congratulate LaChelle Speaker for being our December “Hidden Member”.  After finding her name in the BEA Line, LaChelle emailed me and has won a $15.00 gift Certificate to Rib Crib. Be sure and read your BEA Line carefully and search for the hidden member; sometimes it is hard to find! Thanks again Rib Crib for your donation to the BEA.

Our third term is underway. We have many committees working on important issues throughout our school district.  If you would be willing to work on a committee, please contact me or another officer. We would like to get as many people involved as possible.  Remember…together we can make a difference!!

Everyone have a great new year!
