Words from the Prez for September

Post date: Sep 15, 2011 8:08:51 PM

As we start off a new school year I am delighted that our negotiations team was able to procure a step increase for every teacher including a one-time $600 stipend for those who are at step 25 and beyond.  While our state has experience shortfalls which led to funding cuts for education our administration valued our hard work and dug deep to provide us with our step increases. Our negotiations team consisted of Sheila Stephenson, Leslie Sexson, Granger Meador, Stacy Gerth and myself.  I want to thank each member of the team for their hard work and dedication to our association. 


As I look to the rest of the school year and the financial struggles that our state and education continue to face, I am confident that with a strong association and our relationship with the administration that our negotiations will continue to be a win-win process.  If you need anything or have any questions please do not hesitate to email or call me.  I look forward to the school year and working with you as the president of our association.


Kelli Bryant

BEA President