Words from the Prez for March 2016

Post date: Mar 7, 2016 9:20:44 PM

Oh my, it’s March already. That means conferences and spring break are upon us. We had a great rep meeting last month. Ivy Riggs from OEA gave us a simple overview of the bills floating around at the capital. Jean Oliver briefly spoke about her ambition to fill Senator Ford’s seat. Her plans include visiting with teachers in every building about their thoughts and concerns. As a former educator, she understands how important funding is to our schools and what we as teachers go through day in and day out. We hope to hear from Julie Daniels at the next meeting. It will be interesting to hear her plans for education.

The polls are open on the OEA website. There is only one section to vote for, the members-at-large delegate. It takes about 3 minutes from start to finish. Please the time to vote. The OEA poll closes March 15th. 

We have another election to think about as well; the local BEA election. We have two offices open, president-elect and OEA delegate. Have you been a member for a while? Are you ready to stand with us to fight for teachers and public education? Well, maybe it’s time to be an officer and help implement change!

There’s no better time than now. I would love to hear from you.

Heather Boyle

BEA President