Words from the Prez for March 2010

Post date: Mar 24, 2010 1:08:22 PM

I can’t believe it’s already March!  Hopefully this cold weather will soon be gone and spring will show up! With spring, comes the end of school activities and planning for the next year. We are already looking ahead and gathering ideas for next year’s officers and Negotiation Team members.  If you are interested in either, please let me know.

Recently Darla Tresner and I attended the OEA Advocacy conference in OKC.  We went to many sessions on bargaining and are looking forward to a positive and productive Negotiation this summer. We also heard Senator Kenneth Corn. He was very excited about education and a great supporter of teachers and the jobs we do. I think he will be someone to watch.

Congratulations go out to Donald Stambeck from Jane Phillips.  He was our February Hidden Member.  Again, we thank Rib Crib for donating all of the gift certificates for this year. Please remember them when you are eating out.

Spring Break is just around the corner.  Enjoy a well deserved rest!
