Words from the Prez for March

Post date: Mar 16, 2012 5:05:08 PM

Can you believe that it is already March?  This winter has flown by and it has been such an unusually warm winter.  With spring comes the end of school activities and planning for the next year.  We are looking forward to gathering ideas for next year’s negotiations team.  If you have any ideas please email me and let me know your thoughts.

One of the hot topics right now is Senator Ford’s bill 1530 that could affect our collective bargaining rights.  The other officers and I have been in contact with not only Senator Ford but also Representative Sears to hear their thoughts and why they believe this bill is so important.  It is IMPERATIVE that we stop this bill and let them hear our voice and concerns about the state of education.  To see the current status of bills that have to do with education follow the link below and use your BEA/OEA membership card to register and then login.  Be sure to email these men from your home email, be professional and courteous, but voice your opinion about how these bills will affect education and teacher morale.


I hope you have a wonderful and restful spring break!

Kelli Bryant     

BEA President