Words from the Prez for March

Post date: Mar 10, 2011 8:25:36 PM

Spring Break is almost here.  Along with spring comes the responsibility of our legislators to meet and make decisions for our state.  Funding for education is going to be extremely important but there are many other issues pending which deal directly with our profession.  The BEA tries to bring those issues to light.  It is important that you stay informed.  Check the BEA webpage and stay informed. Don’t forget to contact your legislators. 

          March 15, 2011 has been declared RED RALLY DAY by the OEA.  Everyone is asked to meet at the capital in Oklahoma City to show support for our voice in education.  I will be leaving from Food Pyramid at 7:00 and invite everyone to join me at the Capital that day! 

          Have a wonderful Spring Break!

Teresa Underhill

BEA President