Words from the Prez for February 2016

Post date: Feb 11, 2016 6:20:03 PM

I’m hearing almost daily from teachers who are worried about what the future holds in light of our state’s revenue failure and deep mid-year cuts to education. Our governor, Mary Fallin, believes this 900.8 million dollar budget hole is an “opportunity” that will require

“creativity and hard-work” to find ways to pay for things that need to be paid for.

Our legislators are already “working hard” on some "creative” legislation aimed at taking away fully paid health insurance (HB 3154) and sending tax dollars to private schools (HJR 1062).

Ivy Riggs, OEA’s Legislative and Political Organizing Specialist, will be with us on February 17 to give us a legislative update. Please come and be informed! If you are unable to attend, there are legislative updates on the OEA websites (along with representative contact information) almost daily. 

Let’s use this “opportunity” to stand together and fightfor teachers and public education!

Heather Boyle

BEA President