Words from the Prez for April 2014

Post date: Apr 10, 2014 8:16:18 PM

  April has arrived and so has the most stressful time of the academic year.  Outside the flowers are blooming, but inside American schools, end of the year testing stress has many of us looking like extras from “The Walking Dead”.

   It’s important to remember that we have to manage our own stress if we are going to be able to help students during this time of the year.  All my initial suggestions for stress reduction sounded trite, so I’m going to provide more practical advice instead!

   It’s important to take control of what you can and ignore as much of the rest as possible.  Singing along with “Let it Go” at least once a day may be therapeutic.     

   Take care of your physical health by eating right.  This includes appropriate dosages of chocolate as needed.   Quality family time at dinner is also important, but if you’re too busy to cook, remember that pizza contains all four food groups.

   Spend some social time with your peers away from school in a relaxing, child-free environment.  An hour or two laughing at the absurdities of daily school life helps put things in perspective.

Good luck and remember you are not alone!                                                            

Cheryl Fentress, BEA President